
2013-04-16 7:55 am
再一次麻煩大家了, 謝謝.

不知你是否有收到我們xx-xx的email? 我希望你們可以儘快給我一個答覆, 我們急切地需要這一批貨. 謝謝.

你好嗎? 我希望你在這段時間過得安好. 我想知道, 我們之前所訂的xxx, 到現在有貨了沒有? 可給我一個預備出貨的日期嗎? 謝謝.

當我們收到你這email的時候, 經已立即檢查, 並發現了你所說的xxxxx, 我想知道你想我們用什麼方法把他們寄回來給你? 你會把你們的forwarder叫過來收貨嗎? 期待你的答覆, 謝謝.

麻煩你們幫我譯了, 謝謝.

回答 (2)

2013-04-18 11:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
We would like to know if you have received the email of xxx. We really would like to have a reply from you as soon as possible as we need these goods urgently. Thank you.
不知你是否有收到我們xx-xx的email? 我希望你們可以儘快給我一個答覆, 我們急切地需要這一批貨. 謝謝.

How are you doing? I hope everything goes well. I would like to find out if you have received the goods xxx that we purchased previously. Can you provide me with a delivery date? Thank you.
你好嗎? 我希望你在這段時間過得安好. 我想知道, 我們之前所訂的xxx, 到現在有貨了沒有? 可給我一個預備出貨的日期嗎? 謝謝.

By the time you receive this email, we had already examined the goods and discovered the XXX as you descried. We would like to know what carriers do you prefer us to send them back to you. Would you ask your forwarder to collect the goods? Look forward to your early reply. Thank you.
當我們收到你這email的時候, 經已立即檢查, 並發現了你所說的xxxxx, 我想知道你想我們用什麼方法把他們寄回來給你? 你會把你們的forwarder叫過來收貨嗎? 期待你的答覆, 謝謝.
2013-04-16 8:40 am
1) don't know whether you have received the email of our xx-xx. Perhaps you can reply me as soon as possible as we need these inventories in urgent, thank you!

2)How are you? I hope you are fine in this period of time. I want to know that whether the inventories that we ordered before arrived yet? Can you give me the date of giving out those inventories? Thank you!

3)when we received this email, we have checked it immediately and we discovered that xxxxx that you said, we want to know that how you want us to send it back to you? will you ask your forwarder to come for getting those inventories? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

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