有關到英國 / 加拿大海外升學,留學煩惱

2013-04-16 5:17 am
打算可以出國留學多... ((家人都好支持

本人想在 英國 / 加拿大留學,但係在想去那個地方好
打算讀 珠寶設計 / 康樂

1) 邊個地方讀書 / 生活上會比較好? (( 指物價,生活指數,安全
2) 2者一年幾錢左右?

回答 (3)

2013-04-16 1:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 邊個地方讀書 / 生活上會比較好? (( 指物價,生活指數,安全

>> depends, 2個地方好唔同, 如果係英國的話, 學既英文會比較英式一d (註: 明珠台果d 係美式英文) 而英國比較多HK 人去, 而如果係係倫敦既話, 就會冇咁悶, 但係太多既boarding house 都係一樣, 會block 網等等. 而你話物價, 英國一定係比加拿大既要貴. 當然, 你可以諗到, 如果英國既物價係比較貴既話, 佢既生活指數都係會高一d 的. 而安全既話, 我唔可以話邊一個國家比較唔安全, 因為都係睇地區. 如果你唔係揀一d 好雜既地區, 平時唔係唔到夜一夜先番屋企既話, 係冇問題的. (即係人地問你hk 安唔安全, 你都會話睇下咩地區啦)

2) 2者一年幾錢左右?

>> 英國一年25 萬hkd - 30萬hkd, 而加拿大就20 - 25萬hkd.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-04-21 7:49 am
I would go for Canada.

Canada is more accomodating in terms of accepting foreign students.

In terms of safety, Canada is safer than UK in gerenal (I can't recall Canada being invovled in any terrorist attacks. Canadians are generally more accomodating to foreigners. The environment/weather is much better too.

In terms of budget, Canada is less expensive. Unless you can go for top universities in the UK, there is no point paying a huge amount of money to study in an average UK university.

UK has changed it's policy to stop foreign students to work in the country. UK economy is going down and people are blaming immigrants for the problem. Anybody from outside are not particularly welcomed.

You might also want to check the immigration policy of both countries, I believe if you study in Canada, you score higher when you apply for citizenship. UK government has changed that now!
2013-04-16 8:58 am

a. Canada's living, due to influence of immigrants from Hong Kong, are easier to be adjusted;

b. In term of immigration, Canada has a more favorable policy;

c. The cost is generally cheaper;

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