
2013-04-15 10:11 am
到目前為止,我已收到3間大學既Foundation Course既Conditonal Offer, 我對達標大有信心。
但係我既朋友勸我唔好讀Foundation Course,佢地話環境唔係太好....
而我都唔係好信Foundation Course D Offer, 要求低又可以入到好學校,世間上邊有甘抵既野吖....
所以我諗左另一條出路,雖然都係去英國讀,不過都係去讀 A-LEVEL,
然後經 Non-Jupas返港讀大學。

但係我又有D驚A-Level 考得唔好....因為我始終係對DSE成績無信心先會諗住去英國讀書....


回答 (4)

2013-04-15 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 而家我都唔知點算好,唔知行邊條路好

>> 首先我會睇下果間foundation 係咩大學, 如果佢本身係唔差既, 我知道有一d 中等既大學, 如reading, 係有provide foundation, 果一d 都可以去讀, 但係如果真係太中下既大學的話, 就真係唔好去讀了, 因為一黎哂錢, 二黎hk 既大學唔承認, 工黎就算你讀得好既成績, 係英國top 既大學唔睇foundation, 讀完只可以原校升,所以有得揀, 最好都唔好揀.

>> 而第2個, gce 既話, 你要先睇下你係去邊一d 學校, 有d 學校可以一年幫你考哂個gce, 我覺得如果你成本身成績已經唔係太好的話, 揀呢一d 學校會好risky, 所以2年既gce 可能會好一d, 有一d 人可能會話gce 好易, 但係你讀落, 你就會知道, 如果你本身個底唔好, 都係會fail 都係會u 的. 所以最緊要係知道自己係去到邊一個level 度. 所以如果可以的話, 讀2年既gce 會比較好.

>> non jupas 可以話係唔易入的, 因為而家好似你呢個case 既學生太多, 佢地都係個個去讀完個gce 就non jupas 番黎hk 讀大學, 所以個competition 會大, 你亦係expect 到, 一去到英國就要努力去catch up, 因為去英國讀gce, 所謂既''翻身'' 機會只係得一次. 所以我會認為, 唔駛因為你dse 讀得唔好就覺得你gce handle 唔到 (如果你咁諗既話, 咁不如再諗遠d, 如果dse 成績都唔讀得好, 大學又點會讀得好?) 所以與其咁多concern, 倒不如疊埋心水, 真係去讀gce, 努力2年, 做到自己最好, 番黎睇下有冇hk 既大學有offer, 咁會比較好...

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-04-17 1:17 am
可以考慮一下愛爾蘭.正如你所講,邊有要求低又可以入到好學校.而愛爾蘭教育質素和制度,都比英國高.愛爾蘭的教育上年在歐洲排第一.因為本身已有一套完善及高標準的教育制度.我建議你可以去讀預科然後入當地國立大學.想再知詳情可以email比我:[email protected]
2013-04-17 12:50 am
Choose GCE A level:

If you think you grade is good enough, then I will suggest you to study GCE A level instead of foundation. It was because GCE A level is just like a public exam, which means it is much more harder than the foundation courses.

Advantage: It is possible to get into the HK universities through Non-Jupas after the completion of GCE A level (but of course have to get a pretty good grade, normally 3 AL subjects with A)

Disadvantage: A bit harder to achieve good grade

Choose Foundation:

However, if you are not doing that good in your study in Hong Kong, I will then suggest you to study Foundation course, as all it's tasks and exams are assessed internally, it is much easier to complete with a good grade, also, most of the good universities only require an average mark of 60-70% in order to proceed to their Yr 1.

Advantage: easy to get into Yr1 in a good university in UK

Disadvantage: impossible to get into the HK universities through Non-Jupas
2013-04-15 10:18 am
I think u should go for a-level cuz a-level is much more useful than foundation course. Foundation course is useless. It just wastes your money. U can even study foundation course in hk. I strongly suggest u to study a-level.

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