
2013-04-14 10:05 pm
我打算今年10-11月考8級鋼琴, 請問現在開始還來得及嗎? 只有半年時間準備 因為2014要dse, 我不想拖這麼久

利申: 7級有merit

回答 (3)

2013-04-20 2:56 pm
to be honest, it's really difficult to finish preparing grade 8 piano exam within half a year. the requirement between grade 7 and grade 8 might not seems every different on the syllabus, but what the examiner looks for are very different; they look for much higher level than grade 7.
i would say scales is the easiest part because as long as you are super familiar with them, and can play all of them randomly with no mistakes.
for the 3 songs, the requirement is much higher than grade 7. basically you can't have any mistakes, make sure you have all the dynamics, and they look for the emotions you put into the pieces.
sight reading, since you are good at it, it should be fine. but adding more dynamics will give you a higher mark
aural is the most difficult (in my opinion) part in grade 8 piano. need to be fast and accurate, and you can't hesitate. the examiner won't give you a high mark if you hesitate even for a second. they want you to answer with confident right after they ask you the question.
for the time managing, i personally don't think practicing hours a day would work if it's not productive. my way of practicing when there's little time left is that i only practice one song, or even just one section in a song, deeply every time. pick on the details and make sure every single section is good before you go on. practice scales and sight reading everyday is important, cus that's the part you get easy marks. it's really hard to get distinction in grade 8, but if you got the scales excellent, not bad in the 3 pieces, you should at least get a merit.
one more trick during exam: hire a translater, even if you can understand everything the examiner say. it buys you a bit more time to think about the question!
參考: myself
2013-04-14 11:02 pm
如果你肯比心機努力練琴 應該有機會可以pass既 其實8級系多野要練架 aural啊 dpieces啊 都真系要練得好辛苦 d pieces系真系要執到唔可以有錯 同埋唔可以甩 半年系真系緊左d 除非你真系好有天分 同埋真系好努力練 如果唔系要merit都系幾難既 建議你都系用多少少時間 因為8級真系難過既 7級同8級個gap都幾大架 你可以問下你老師 因為呢D真系要睇你肯唔肯練琴 加油啦:)
2013-04-14 10:17 pm

2013-04-15 21:38:49 補充:

2013-04-23 17:07:05 補充:

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