I'm lost. What should I do with my life?

2013-04-14 2:34 am
I can't seem to find what I'm passionate about. When people ask me what kinds of things I like to do, I always say the same thing. "Writing." But I don't know if writing is what I'm truly passionate about. I can't seem to find something that isn't "writing" or "music" .. which is what everyone else says too.

How can I find something that makes me truly happy?

回答 (5)

2013-04-14 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Being "passionate" is the polarity of being "controlled." If you become out-of-control with a passion, it tends to become "obscured." A balance of joy and formality, what the ancients termed the Dionysian and Apollonian, is usually the way one finds one's true passion.

For example: if you formalize your passion for writing, you will devote a certain period of time every day to writing. That formality or routinization actually helps your passionate expression.

Sources: For Couples Only, Shaunti Feldhahn, shows how to nurture a relationship (passion in that sense).
The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You, Mark Prophet, likewise, re self's moods and efforts.
Creation: Artistic and Spiritual, Omraam Aivanhov, does so for creativity.
Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei, Weinberger and Paz, gives a particularly helpful example.

Meditation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_meditation http://www.freemeditations.com http://www.jackkornfield.com offers a gentle, general means of balancing passion and form, via observing without adding affect one's waking subconscious' emotions and thoughts (passions and forms).
2013-04-14 4:03 am
Dear Amanda,

Thank you for posting this question. I am Lilyevangeline, Jedi Sage, at your service.
If you like writing, maybe you'll like english literature? economics? In my AS economics paper, it had a long question of around 18-25 marks, and the long question part involve a lot of writing, so if you are interesting in writing, maybe you can do economics too? It is good, very nice if you are interested in writing. Also, I had an enrichment class called "creative writing"; see if you can find one at your college; it is an enrichment :) In the enrichment class people like to talk about things from books, discuss and write about it, so it maybe useful for you :) Another subject that involves writing could be psychology/ or biology. Biology involves lots of writing because it requires you to do lots of work, but literally it is around 70-80% writing(mostly). I got involved in an AS biology class, although at that time I got bored at times, but now I feel I want to have it back because not only can you do writing in biology, but it also helps you to write in a beautiful way at a science point of view :) For Biology, it is about understanding the text and write in your own words, so you may find it intriguing and it might surprise you sometimes. Anyway, I like Biology so if you want to join you are most welcome! :) It involves the application of chemical knowledge from IGCSE chemistry and a little bit of maths however, so you need some IGCSE chemistry and biology because you can get onto your AS level :)
Well, it does not matter what subjects you choose to study, as long as you work hard towards it and contribute to it, it will make you truly happy at the end because it is the return you deserve to have. That's what I did. I worked so hard at studying and eventually become happy. Happiness is a feeling, it cannot be describe. So from now on work hard then and you will get the return, the happiness you deserve to have. Let's get to work, together. :)
I have good suggestions for you: you can choose to do the science field: physics, chemistry and biology with mathematics. They are interlinked/inter-related, and each one of them helps one and other, say chemistry helps biology, mathematics helps physics(mechanics, statistics), maths also helps with A2 biology(statistics). so purchase and read them all: phy, chem, bio, maths. They are inter-related/interconnected, and they cannot be broken.
music can be taken as an enrichment, like guitar playing/ violin/ piano stuff like that...some may even learn to sing with their own voice, so it's singing
anyway, at the end of the day, it's up to you. Find subjects that you're interested in or subjects that suit your personality. Don't think too hard because it mess things up.
Good luck with all that and may the force be with you :)
May the peace and joy be with you always :)

Best Regards,
Lilyevangeline (Jedi Sage)
Concil of Reconcilation,
customer service

I wish you a lovely day :) Feel free to write whatever :)
2013-04-14 2:39 am
You explore. If you can, just explore your local city/town. Find all the little queer shops and meet all the unique people. Find out what kind of people like what kind of things. Ask questions! Things don't stumble upon you; you stumble upon them. If you think you like writing, work on more writing.
Really, all I can tell you is just go out and try to find what you like! Explore!
2013-04-14 2:37 am
You should spend time serving others, helping people in dis-advantaged situations in the mean time. That's what you're supposed to "be" right now.
2013-04-14 2:36 am
Sing. It uses writing and music. You can work a different job and go home to record yourself on youtube . You can be youtube famous and get some money i think .

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