I regret too much. What to do?

2013-04-14 12:01 am
I'll probably regret asking this question hah but BSH PLS.

I regret a lot.
I regret a bit too much.

I was just about to fall asleep and, as per usual, I start thinking of things that I regret and I realised, I regret pretty much everything I can remember.
I regret going out to formal last night.
I regret eating that mcdonalds.
I regret talking to certain people.
I regret doing certain things.
I regret not being a talented person.

You know, I have no talents really.
Everything I did, I gave up on, but you know what.. I have no interest in doing things to be talented in.

I'll regret that soon.

Oh it's so stupid.

But I don't know how to stop regretting things.
I don't do bad stuff.
I don't sleep around or anything... like, I don't do things that people generally regret doing. Such as, doing drugs etc.

It's just everyday things.

Such as today,
I regret getting up at 11. Waste of a day.
I regret not eating until 5 because I got sick.
I regret not booking tomorrow off work because I'll have to work sick.
I regret going out last night because I had a terrible time.
I regret eating mcdonalds as my meal.
I regret spending so much money on absolute shite.

and so on. I'll not bore you with the rest.

WOO, I really should have regret as my middle name huh?

But I do not know how to stop regretting things.
Yes, I should accept me for who I am, but I can't stand myself.
So that's easier said than done.


what category do I even put this under?

I only leave the house to go to work really. I'm a waitress. And other than that, I'd maybe go to a club at night about once every 2 weeks. I have social anxiety so I don't like crowded places or talking to strangers. I'm fine waitressing though because I'm completely fake then. So I feel like a different person and gain confidence from that but once the uniform comes off, I can barely talk to my family without feeling like a stranger.


also, my anxiety is not diagnosed, as a side note. I'd never say this to people I know or a doctor.. I'd never say this to a person face to face.

回答 (7)

2013-04-14 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're thinking too much.. do you go out much? You should keep busy.
2013-04-14 2:23 pm
You're an uninjured person who still has her health. What's to regret? Social anxiety is a big illusion. Everyone has it. Why don't people say hi or hello to each other when they like each other? Everyone has it that's why. That's why you shouldn't worry about it, the more you talk to others the better. And typing letters like the geeks who made computers isn't really socializing is it? I want you to go out and speak to people you like and get their numbers, go out with them. Can you do that please. If you have other questions email me at [email protected].
2013-04-14 12:07 am
Stop thinking about the past. It's not going to help you in any way. So what you had a mcdonalds, so what you spent money on shite, that's nothing to stress over. I used to regret things, a lot worse things than your petty little list, but I just got over it and moved on with life. what's the point in thinking about it? You can't change the past. Also, you woke up at 11am - "waste of a day?" You can't be serious haha.

Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. Live life. as cheesy as it sounds.
2013-04-15 7:46 pm
Don't spend a moment on regret.
Do what u can, because none of us can be perfect.
Find your dreams, then go for it.
no need to look back to the past then
2013-04-15 12:33 am
your definitely not alone!
2013-04-14 3:20 pm
Regret too less. It's not rocket science

" I'd never say this to people I know or a doctor.. I'd never say this to a person face to face."

Similar statements from 99% of yahoo questions in this section. Lol, and people wonder why society is messed up now
2013-04-14 8:49 am
i'm sorry for you, you're hopless

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