139 and 105 numerology meaning?

2013-04-13 7:47 pm
When you do numerology via the number corresponding to the English alphabet (1e. A=1 and F=6 and so on it gets difficult to find the meanings) well anyway yeah what does 105 and 139 mean in numerology ? I get 105 with just my first and last name included and I get 139 with my fist, middle and last name. My birthday is 7/15, 105 excluding 0 and in Chaldean numerology my name number is 38 but I sign my name with amy middle name initial (A), (39) oh and my life path number insimplified is 39. Also 7+6=13 (my month and say simplified). So what does this all perhaps mean and whats the meaning to 139 and 105 in numerology anyway ?

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2013-04-18 5:56 pm
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You always need to add the numbers and then 'reduce' to their lowest number.

Such as 105=6 the number of love ruled by Venus. And 139=13/4 the number of abrupt changes and the need to 'clean up' past negative karma.

6 is considered the number of love and is a karmic reward for something done well in a previous lifetime. When there are double digits such as 15/6 (do not be selfish) there is another karmic meaning which is sometimes a karmic reward and sometimes a life lessons. The tarot corresponds to numerology as well as astrology too. 24/6 is a karmic reward of love, money, and creativity. Very good number indeed.

4's are often involuntarily placed in certain situations in order to balance previous negative karma from a previous and/or current lifetime. 4 is ruled by Uranus which is our planet of abrupt change for good or 'bad.' So when you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a clue what is going on, then this is the energy of 4 (Uranus-our 'rebel' planet that hates routine hence the 'rebel' tag) 'placing' you in a certain situation in order for you to balance your karma.

Bottom line is that 4 people are here to 'clean up their karma that has been "skipped" over in previous lifetimes.

I did not understand numerology (though I read plenty of books about it) until I began using the Number System used by Linda Goodman, famed astrologer and numerologist (just a few of her talents). I found this number system in her wonderful book "Star Signs." I would suggest you check a used book (as I did) store or ebay.

Linda Goodman's number system is different (not the typical 1-9 for A-I then repeated) but those slight differences made a world of difference to me. If something doesn't ring true then I keep searching until I find something that DOES ring true. Her number system has given me a love of numerology that actually makes sense.

I suggest you use both your "given" name at birth and also the name that you use the most and add BOTH last and first names together. Again, Linda Goodman's Star Sign Numerology works best for me. And I do believe her system is Chaldean based too. Would have to check that though.

Your life path number is the day/month/year all added up and then reduced to its lowest number. 39/12/3 is a karmic reward number and rather lucky since it is ruled by Jupiter. However, there are times when one would 'sacrifice' their desires and 'stand back' to allow another one 'attention." Something like that. Putting others before yourself for example. Or "sacrificing" something that you want in order that another may 'prevail' or receive attention. Not the easiest number though many are much more work.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. EDIT: I would begin observing which numbers seem to pop up the most. I am a 6 in my name and birth. The struggle of the 4 and 8 are rather tough as 8 is a 'heavier' doubling of the 4. The 8 often finds one with strong bonds with another where heavy karma is being 'worked on." 17/8 is easier than the 26/8 as 26 is the number of avoiding partnerships and using your OWN ideas and plans for your life. I have many 26/8 in my family and have seen the issues when they go into partnerships with others as they usually do not 'prevail' as well as their 'partner.' So avoiding partnerships and relying on your own abilities is probably good advice. 17/8 and 26/8 are successful #'s but require time and patience with limitations and restrictions too. But relying on your own and being persistent will bring you success.I feel you have already been through the negative as being taken advantage of IS common for 26/8. The day that you are born on is imo the most important number. Again double digit #'s have additional karma for better or worse. 16/7 is a spiritual number ruled by Neptune and best to stay in the background on the 16th and you will also always be warned of danger in time to prevent it. 19/10/1 is a power number so you can make things happen BUT must not ever control another as this is one of the worst karmic mistakes we can make. 10/1 is a "command and ordain" number so along with 19/10/1 you can manifest your 'desires' but cannot corrupt this power as it can 'turn' on you. Hope this helps.
參考: Linda Goodman's STAR SIGNS book Amethyst33
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