Im 13 a girl from HK and i wanna study overseas like Australia and USA.My parents dont allow.What should i do?

2013-04-13 3:02 pm
Im a secondary student(we call in HK, which is like middle school in other countries) and since I was small, I wanna study overseas due to my ideal place to settle and my dream occupation. I am quite interested in science and i wanna study about medical or psychology (biology and chemistry). As I know that we are having very easy science compared with other countries. If I study somewhere else, I can orally improve my languages and definitely learn much more than i do now. And that helps me with my dreams very much. I wanna work in the Great Barrier reef, with the aquatic creatures. I love photogrpahy and I really, really like life like this, blue ocean, smooth white sand. I am now on concerning about my future and my parents do not understand me at all. They thought i wanted to study overseas, because of my nasty chinese which i havent passed for a single time. But it wasn't the fact. I wanted to talk to them, but i couldn't. And they made jokes with my dream. At the age of 9 or perhaps 10, they joked that they will send me overseas, I really trusted them and later on i found that it was fake and they said i was too naive to believe that. That really tore me apart . And now on everytime i remember this, tears start falling.. I cannot stop, that's too harsh for me. Please, I need some advices:( Please.....

回答 (1)

2013-04-13 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's time for another talk with your parents about your future university education. They need to start saving up urgently if they haven't been saving up enough since you were born. So start talking about the careers you're interested in, the schools which offer top-notch education in the field, etc, and what are they doing about saving up for your education?

You're not going overseas for school at 13! But given your interests, start thinking about university!

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