any goverment website for year 11 part time jobs?

2013-04-13 1:04 pm
i would like to know the info
i'm in essex, i would like to know the minimun wage and the maximum working time, etc etc.... is there a official that could inform me such things and i'm currently in year 10 and when i turn 16, i would like to find a part-time job, is it possible and would it be possible to suggest me a website that i could find possible part-time jobs
(what i want is to earn around £8000 in total, it would be awsome if it could be earnt in a short time, but i'm aiming for long term work(as in like work for 3 years))
p.s. i'll be 16 in october

回答 (1)

2013-04-13 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Minimum wage is £3.66ph while under 18, even working full-time you wouldn't make £8000 in a year to live on let alone to save. There is no website allowed to offer jobs to under 18s, you need to look around for work in local shops, care homes and paper rounds. You can become a life guard around 16 I believe which is what I did and it pays much better, about £8ph!

I would recommend going on to college. If you don't go on to college you will never save £8000, you'll be lucky to ever see it in your life time.

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