Econ - variable/fixed factor

2013-04-14 7:30 am

Variable factors are inputs whose quantities vary when output changes.

Fixed factors are inputs whose quantities do not vary when output changes.

我把重點放在"vary"上 : 如何Vary?


回答 (2)

2013-04-17 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
If a change in output leads to a change in the amount of a factor, it is a variable factor. Else, it is a fixed factor.
e.g. 1
Suppose a firm employs 2 units of labour while the output is 10/unit of labour.
Now, if the output increases to 15/unit of labour but the number of labour drops to 1, then labour is still a variable factor. It is because the rise in output leads to a drop in number of labour. The drop of labour may be explained by the fact that the firm wants to raise capital (or other reasons).
e.g. 2
Suppose the rent paid by a firm is $10000 while its output is 100. When the rent rises to $20000 while the output remains 100, rent is regarded as a fixed cost. It is because the output does not change when the rent rises.
1. change in output ->change in number of factor: variable factor
2. change in output ->no change in number of factor: fixed factor
The changes in output and the changes in number of factor are not necessarily in proportional. They can be inversely proportional.
參考: me
2013-04-15 6:38 am
總之會變的就是variable factor。不理是增是減。

有時law of diminishing marginal returns真的會有variable factor 增加後output減少的情況 (MP 就會是負數!)

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