中三選科問題 chem+bio+?

2013-04-13 5:19 am
其實我一直都打算長大後做醫生的,但本人又尤好音樂,就想有甚麼職業是音樂加醫生的呢?我就想出音樂治療師。但麻煩的是,做音樂治療師是需要讀心理學的,那就代表我要選倫理與宗教?而且我現在就讀的學校没得選音樂,那到時候上大學也要讀音樂嗎?還有,我真的拿不到主意通識用甚麼語言讀才好(因為本身我間學校系用英文既,但宜家有得比我地簡升上form4後用中文讀定英文讀..)。而且老師都有問過我讀唔讀m1 or m2,但係其實呢d難唔難讀?同埋如果真系做音樂治療師個話,系唔係要學兩種樂器同埋系香港既大學有無呢個系,同埋做呢行有無前途?thx~

回答 (4)

2013-04-13 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) it is not necessary to choose religious related subjects for psychology course.

2) master degree is basis of becoming a psychologist

3) it is a must for u to have professional knowledge on music. Before taking a course related to music, it is recommended to take psychology first.

4) for LS subject, it depends on your language ability. If u want to enhance ur English writing ability, choose English. On the other hand, expression of views is important in LS, using Chinese may have advantage on it. A friend of mine used to study LS in English, and failed several time. She changed to Chinese, and got excellent result.

5) for M1&M2, largely depend on your ability. To my experience, your mathsresult in past 3 years are accurate indicator. It's absolutely diffcult, if u don't are not interested and good at maths.

For psychology course, work hard. U need at least all level 5 (average) to get in
2013-04-14 3:30 am
中和英的選擇 很簡單 英文
大學的任何一科都是英文教學 好多外國教授教 英文一定要好

香港音樂醫生不普及 但都要有醫生的資格
推薦chem bio m2


2013-04-13 7:38 am
I am a university student.Therefore,I can answer your question.
.The first question you have to ask yourself is what your strength is.Being a university students,I bear the resposibility to inform you that if you do not get good grades,you will never be able to study at a university.
The thing is that you have to make sure that you will be able to get good grades.
It depends on whether you possess the ability to learn IES in English.
No matter what happens,the reality is that if you can get good grades,it will not matter what language you learn it in.

I hope that this piece of advice can help you.
2013-04-13 6:12 am
LS !!
much better to use chinese!!!!

I think this is the best combination
I am also studying this lol
if u are a nature lover
but maybe a bit exhausted!!
see if ur school allow u too choose X4 as music
as some of the schoolmates in my school can attend authoriaed course outside!!
for M1 and M2
it really depends on ur interest and your ability !!
if u really not the very top of the class
u need plenty time to overcome the challenge

For those stuff of the university, I am sorry I can't provide such experience....

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