Is it normal to be 15 and not have had a girlfriend yet?

2013-04-12 3:18 am
Pretty much the title

回答 (5)

2013-04-12 3:31 am
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Yes it is normal, most boys at 15 haven't had a girlfriend yet. Idiots will say, "You haven't had a girlfriend yet, you're gay," don't listen to them. Usually, if you haven't had a girlfriend it means you are shy and/or don't talk to girls that much. If you like a girl get out there and try, ignore your own personal fears of rejection and do it. Everyone is scared of rejection but most likely if you have talked to a girl before (like you sat next to her in a class) and you really get along with her and you like her, ask her out because most likely she likes you too. Most importantly, always have self confidence and don't get discouraged. If you get rejected it doesn't mean your life or dating life is over, it just means that she isn't interested and/or she is interested in someone else.
參考: Knowledge
2013-04-12 10:19 am
Sure it's normal. I mean, finding the right girl takes time, however long that may be.
2013-04-13 8:23 pm
It's normal. I'm 15, haven't had a boyfriend...
2013-04-12 10:22 am
yes it's normal. When the time is right for you the Universe will provide you with the person you are meant to learn from and or with; whatever blue print the Universe has drawn out for you. If this is really bothering you you could ask the Universe for a signs regarding this topic.

Remember to try not to compare yourself to others; I remind myself of this everyday.
2013-04-12 10:21 am
Yes its quite normal. But what boys dont understand is that you cant sit around playing Xbox all day and expect a girl to ask you out. You need to put effort into finding a girlfriend if you want one! Limit your gaming hours, get into doing a sport like soccer or football and just be friendly and outgoing at school and in public. Because if you just go to school, sit in the back row doing nothing, hardly talk to anyone then come home and sit infront of an xbox or tv/computer all night then goodluck even getting friends

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:25:10
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