Any tips on how to be a good/confident drawer/artist?

2013-04-11 11:24 pm
ok so im not gonna give a long speech as their is no need but i love art and was wondering if you would recommend any tips for me on how to be successful when drawing.I am quite a perfectionist and normally spend hours correcting my mistakes on paper and never does good.I get very frustrated with myself and prevents me from drawing the next day.I just need advice on how i could overcome this fear of having to be accurate when drawing and tips for future reference
points for best answer!

回答 (4)

2013-04-12 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most artists end up tossing 90% of what they draw, so practice with tons of sketches and save the detail work for your final art projects. Sketch, doodle, do a ton of stuff you have no intention of saving. It's how you train your brain to make your hand draw what you want it to.
2013-04-12 3:13 am
Here's what I suggest:
*Push yourself by doing challenges. You can get requests from family, friends, and fellow artists.
*Draw with references. DeviantArt members offer a wide array of references for people, animals, plants, clothes, and even weapons. You can start from there.
*Instead of using pencils, use a pen. That way, you won't be able to erase your mistakes. Consequently, you'll be pushed to think hard and thoroughly about how you want your drawing to look like even before the pen nib touches the paper.
*Draw every single day. It doesn't matter what you draw; just do it! (If you're really having a hard time thinking, you might want to do the 100 Theme Challenge from deviantArt. Here are some of the variations: and
2013-04-12 1:09 am
That's pretty normal, and the only way to solve that problem is to redo the drawing. So whatever you saw as horrible the first time you drew it, then the second time you try to make a better version you take out some of those mistakes. You do it until you feel almost content with how you want your art to look. I do it all the time with my art and I improve each time I notice my mistakes and fix them. All it takes is practice and hard work. It's the only way you get better at art, rather than feeling discouraged you should feel encouraged to make a better version of the previous art.
2013-04-11 11:28 pm
You know I'm a darn perfectionist when it comes to drawing and painting too.. :I it always prevents me from drawing more because i feel like there's no reason for me to draw..? You should try signing up for some contests it helps you get more motivated. Also just accept the fact that you fail hard sometimes when you draw^^

Keep trying mate!:3

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