
2013-04-12 1:14 am

回答 (3)

2013-04-21 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Over the years Macau has evolved from a small fishing village in the past to the present international city of casinos. The development and future of tourism is becoming the lifeblood of its economy. This article will review on the current state of tourism in Macau, using the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) Model of analysis, and find out the various opportunities and threats that Macau currently faces. Using the result of the analysis, it will also provide effective strategies for the development of tourism in Macau.

2013-04-21 13:25:25 補充:
...Model of analysis, and find out the various opportunities and threats...---->
...Model of analysis, and identify the various opportunities and threats...

2013-04-21 13:55:49 補充:
...The development and future of tourism is becoming ...----->
...The future development of tourism is becoming ...
2013-04-22 2:51 am
From a small fishing village into a modern international casino, tourism development and prospects will become the lifeblood of the economy of Macau. This article will discuss the current status of tourism in Macau, and the advantagesof tourism in Macau with SWTO analysis, weaknesses, opportunities,
2013-04-12 2:24 am
英譯 :

From a small fishing village into a modern international casino, tourism development and prospects will become the lifeblood of the economy of Macau. This article will discuss the current status of tourism in Macau, and the advantagesof tourism in Macau with SWTO analysis, weaknesses, opportunities, crisis, to bring up the Macau now facing a variety of opportunities and crises. And through the analysis of content, effective development strategy for tourism.

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