飛機師1定要知既英文句字. (15點)

2013-04-11 10:54 pm
可唔可以比D要做飛機師1定要知既英文句字.. 例如好似: "About to Takeoff" 個D英文句字. 飛機師1定會講既英文句子...

回答 (4)

2013-04-14 4:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Airway ~. An area in the sky that is regularly used by planes.

Blocked ~ used to indicate that a radio transmission has been distorted or interrupted due to multiple simultaneous radio transmissions.

Hotspot ~ a location on an airport movement area with a history of potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots and drivers is necessary.

Land (verb) ~ move safely down on the ground

MAYDAY = The international radio telephony distress signal. When repeated three times, it indicates imminent and grave danger and immediate assistance is requested.

Negative contact ~ used by pilots to inform Air Traffic Control (ATC) that the previously issued traffic is not in sight. It may be followed by the pilot's request for the controller to provide assistance in avoiding the traffic.

Runway ~ the strip of land that an airplane takes-off and lands on

Signage ~ letters, numbers and symbols that are positioned around an airport to show pilots where they are and which way to go

Taxi (verb) ~ move along the ground before taking off or after landing

Take off ~ rise into the air from the ground

Touch down ~ when the aircraft wheels land on the ground

Unable ~ indicates inability to comply with a specific instruction, request, or clearance.

Verify ~ request confirmation of information; e.g., "verify assigned altitude.”

Examples of some scripts (by airline pilot:)

This is your captain speaking. First I would like to welcome everyone on Flight 1234. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet at an air speed of 500 miles per hour. The time is 4 pm. We expect to land in Boston in an hour, approximately 15 minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in Boston is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you.
參考: McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Aviation
2013-04-12 5:31 am

2013-04-12 1:46 am
About to Take off.
This is an experiment trial flight
I control the handle in cockpit
I'm your pilot ofricer
Fasten your seat belt
Turbulence on Left wing
Magnitude and direction of motion too much
Bad weather ahead!

2013-04-14 06:04:40 補充:
Crew&passengers fasten seat-belts again!
No Toilet!
Emergency door can't open!
Emergency Landing !
2013-04-12 1:42 am
Dear passengers, please be setead and fasten your seat belt,the flight is about to take off in 5 minutes.Thank You

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