
2013-04-11 10:50 pm
在學校很多同學听不明白阿sir中二的數學, 如何是好, 去大型補習社補習? 中二早不早, 不知哪一間好, 哪一個阿SIR好,


回答 (2)

2013-04-13 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The monthly salary of a tutor in a tutorial centre is too little.University graduates never teach students in a tutorial centre.
I suggest you ask your friends if they have any friend who studies at a university. and is willing to provide private tutoring..
If you cannot find one,you may consider employing a tutor on the Internet/
2013-04-14 7:32 pm
高中既話出面D名師補習真係教到你SKILL同方法, 但係中二黎講可以要打好個底先, 單對單或者補習班社小班好似好D WOR , 你有咩唔明可以即刻問即刻操, 唔洗好似上堂咁聽多次浪費時間!

你住邊區? 我係屯門補開星級補習中心, D老師全部中大畢業! 佢地係梁銶琚舊生, D數好勁, 下年唸住補埋D理科! 幫佢宣傳放埋FACEBOOK =P
參考: 自己

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