
2013-04-11 7:37 pm

你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的intem 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。

回答 (4)

2013-04-12 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
how do you do? under the contract, the items that should should be charged is: $200 for (the first)XX, $300 for (second)XX, the others are not mentioned in the contract, and the other intems should be included in your own service provided.

you should provide a clear standard of charges. i think it is too cosyly for items 1 to 4 mentioned above. if there has no reasonable reasons for the expenses, it is difficult for me to report these to financial department.

ps.XX方面, 如果不是同一樣東西, 可以不用可以分第幾項, 你可以因應情況保留括號內的分類

2013-04-11 22:21:39 補充:
2013-04-11 8:22 pm
Hello.Under the contract, the fee item only: XX charges receive $ 200, second XX fee charged 300 dollars.Other item charges not mentioned in the contract, and these charges should be included in the services provided by you.

You should provide a detailed charges. Of intem 1 to 4 mentioned above, I feel that the charges too much. If you do not have a reasonable expenses explained me so hard to the Ministry of Finance to do the payment.
2013-04-11 8:01 pm

你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的intem 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。

其實你如果你有咩中文要翻譯成英文, 去"Google翻譯"翻譯番就得架啦:)

網址: http://translate.google.com.hk/#


2013-04-11 12:03:29 補充:
very soory....唔記得幫你翻譯tim....


Hello.Under the contract, the fee item only: XX charges receive $ 200, second XX fee charged 300 yuan. Other item charges not mentioned in the contract, and these charges should be included in the services provided by you.

You should provide a detailed char

2013-04-11 12:04:42 補充:
***charges. Of intem 1 to 4 mentioned above, I feel that the charges too much. If you do not have a reasonable expenses explained me so hard to the Ministry of Finance to do the payment.
2013-04-11 7:57 pm
Hello.Under the contract, the fee item only: XX charges receive $ 200, second XX fee charged 300 yuan. Other item charges not mentioned in the contract, and these charges should be included in the services provided by you.

You should provide a detailed charges. Of intem 1 to 4 mentioned above, I feel that the charges too much. If you do not have a reasonable expenses explained me so hard to the Ministry of Finance to do the payment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:48:49
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