
2013-04-11 7:35 pm

你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的intem 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。

回答 (6)

2013-04-11 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How are you!
According to the contract, items to be charged are:
Item 1, XX charge of $200
Item 2, XX charge of $300.
Charges for other items, which are not mentioned in the contract, should have already been included in the fee of the service provided by you.

你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的item 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。
You should have provided us with a detailed charge scheme.
I think that the above-mentioned items 1 to 4 are overcharged. Without a reasonable explanation for the charge expenditure, it is hard for me to get our finance department to make payment.

2013-04-12 04:01:59 補充:
TOMING88, are you not aware that answers 001 and 003 are the same copy of a google translation in English of the Chinese sentences?

2013-04-12 04:04:18 補充:
Of course, the google translation is full of mistakes in spelling and grammar. :)))
2013-04-12 6:19 pm
How are you ? In regards to the contract, the only items that I have to pay are : item 1 xxx charge, $200 and item 2 xxx charge,$300; while for all other charges which were not mentioned should be included on your part.

你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的intem 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。
In this connection, there should be a detailed list of standard charges provided by your part. Regarding items 1 to 4 as mentioned above. I thought that were over charged. And if there is no reasonable explaination, that'll be rather difficult for me to convince of the financial department for that payment.
參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-04-12 5:22 am
How do you do. Under the contract, the premium item: the first XX charge charged 200 Yuan, the second XX charge charge 300 yuan. Other item charges not mentioned on the contract, and that these fees should be included in the service you provide.You should provide a detailed charging standards. Intem 1 to 4 referred to above, I think is too much. Without the expense of a reasonable explanation, I hard to finance department to do the payment.
參考: no
2013-04-12 5:02 am
How dare 003 OK wah wah copied from 001 ang risking a punishment !
2013-04-12 2:33 am
英譯 :

Hello.Under the contract, the fee item only: XX charges receive $ 200, second XX fee charged 300 yuan. Other item charges not mentioned in the contract, and these charges should be included in the services provided by you.

You should provide a detailed charges. Of intem 1 to 4 mentioned above, I feel that the charges too much. If you do not have a reasonable expenses explained me so hard to the Ministry of Finance to do the payment.

原文 :


你方應該提供一個詳細的收費標準。上述提到的intem 1至4,我覺得收費太多了。如果沒有一個合理的費用支出解釋,我好難要財務部去做這個付款。

希望可以幫到你!!! >_<
2013-04-11 7:58 pm
Hello.Under the contract, the fee item only: XX charges receive $ 200, second XX fee charged 300 yuan. Other item charges not mentioned in the contract, and these charges should be included in the services provided by you.

You should provide a detailed charges. Of intem 1 to 4 mentioned above, I feel that the charges too much. If you do not have a reasonable expenses explained me so hard to the Ministry of Finance to do the payment.

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