how would i challenge the fines on obamacare in court?

2013-04-10 12:43 am
my plan is to put any fine for not having healthcare in escrow, and challenge it as being unconstitutional under the right to privacy act, and against my liberty as a free citizen to choose whether or not i want to buy a product or service. i also plan to represent myself before the court. how would i do that and what series of steps would i need to take??

flower is it a fine or a tax? in your answer you say it's both. it cannot be both. if i represent my self in a case, it costs me nothing.

回答 (4)

2013-04-10 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
the origination clause of the constitution is a much better legal challenge
2013-04-10 12:47 am
You can't. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this matter.

Additionally, if you wanted to try this it would cost you tens of thousands in attorney fees. If you have to ask on Yahoo Answers how to even start this process then you don't know how to handle this case in the courts anyway.
2013-04-10 1:29 am
You won't even get INTO a court with any authority attempting to represent yourself. If you have to ask HOW on Yahoo Answers, you shouldn't be representing yourself in TRAFFIC court.
2013-04-10 1:04 am
The fine is actually an IRS tax penalty, so you would have to not file a tax return to avoid it but the IRS will collect that tax one way or another. The fine (tax penalty) was part of the individual mandate which was upheld as constitutional in the Supreme Court last year. The IRS has the power to collect taxes. The legislation is not telling you to buy insurance. It is mandating you to be covered, whether by a parent, spouse, employer, or the exchange, otherwise you must be covered already or exempt.

Edit: There is a tax penalty when you are not insured by next year. The individual mandate itself is not a tax. It is legislation. I said the IRS imposes a tax penalty as opposed to the tax credit you get when you buy insurance.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 14:23:55
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