Where and how can i start my career?

2013-04-09 11:32 pm
I want to start making music, start singing, i have hopes of becoming a star. First i want to see if i have the right voice for singing (MANY people have said i have a really good voice) and if i do i want to from there on wards make music and distribute it and become famous gradually if not instantly :D.

However, the problem is i don't know where to start. (I live in Glasgow, Scotland btw) I have no skill with creating music through software, absolutely no skill with hardware since I've never been introduced to it. I don't really have too much money to spend on studio time and even if i did, like i said, i wouldn't know how things work. I am going to attend free drop in sessions for using software and hardware after my exams but i would like some more guidance on what to do. I have auditioned once for Britain got talent but didn't get in due to the numbers, or so they claim. So anyway i just want to start recording music and i need a little bit of advice/help doing so.

Thanks in advance!

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