Why do us women have to change our last names when we get married?

2013-04-09 4:17 pm
It's kind of weird, why do we have to change our last name? Is it because we belong to them now? Do men feel some kind of power over us when they do this? We're not their property, so why must we change our original last name for theirs? I was just wondering..

回答 (6)

2013-04-09 4:21 pm
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We don't "have" to change them...it's traditional to do it, and long ago it did represent the woman moving from her family to being part of her husband's family (and also to give continuity because children would also have that same last name)...

At one time women were looked upon much as property and "belonging" to their husband, but that was long ago...the tradition of taking the man's name is still common, but the reasons behind it are different than they originally were...

I know a number of women who kept their maiden/previous last name when they married...it's not at all unusual these days...
2013-04-09 4:45 pm
The marriage contract (for it started out, a contract) came about around 1100 during the Norman invasion and simply was a way for women to keep their wealth and be protected under the "laws of the land". Not a big mystery really...It was easier to take the husband's name by far since, of course, there was little equality.

You CAN CHOOSE to feel it creates a sense of being "property" of a man all you want dear, some of us find it far easier (-and no one could spell my maiden name correctly ANYWAY!) Then there are those women who legitimately feel it makes them more worthy; self-sustaining to KEEP their maiden name and hyphen with their married name...Whatever "spins" your "wheels" dear...In the world today? We have CHOICES, you can do what you like. Isn't that the best of all possible worlds? I do think so.

2013-04-09 4:23 pm
You do not have to change your name.
A lot of women keep their name, or add it to their husbands surname.
Thus if you were called Felicity Brown and married a Barrington Smythe, you could call your self Felicity Brown Smythe.
2013-04-09 4:23 pm
Personally, I believe taking a man's last name is an honor for a woman. It has nothing to do with being a man's property, when a man gives a woman his name he entrusts her with his root, history, past and future. Fathers give roots to their children and the roots lie in the name too.
2013-04-09 4:52 pm
You do not have to change your name but if you were a Christian you would understand the significance of this custom and its importance. It is not Christian to regard woman as property but an act of honor and respect. The idea of women being property is a worldly notion more akin to our animal, fleshly nature.
2013-04-09 4:33 pm
Good answers. If you don't want to change your last name, then do not. But think about future children. Children like to have a good foundation and a last name is one of the first foundations (besides love) that they have.

After a divorce, my son told me he didn't want me to go back to my maiden name. He wanted us to have the same last name. (I like my freedom so remarriage was not for me.) Only reason I kept the married name.

Decisions can be based on alot of reasons. Think carefully.

God bless.

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