英文翻譯 【急】10點!!!!!

2013-04-10 1:49 am

麻煩高手幫我翻譯這段文章 感激不盡!!!

回答 (4)

2013-04-10 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Technology enhances the quality of life and efficiently aids our progress towards our desires. Computer-mediated communication technology is one example. However, many scholars in the field believe that such technology distances human connections. They reason that long-term use of keyboarding and screening leads to a decrease in our practical ability to socialize. The technology creates a scenario where people cannot experience real time interactions and consequently causes a loss in intimacy.
2013-04-14 1:55 am
Technology is to enhance the quality of life, and help the human desire to be a fast, efficient way to meet Computer-mediated communication technology is one example. However, such convenient technology allows many scholars of Computer-mediated communication circle that cause interpersonal alienation, loss of social presence because long-term use of the keyboard and screen to communicate with each other, that audiences can not get a real taste of the interaction, and thus generate interpersonal alienation.
2013-04-10 7:11 pm
Science and technology is to enhance the quality of life, and to help people in a more rapid and efficient manner to meet the desires, a computer intermediary broadcasting technology is one example. However, such a convenient intermediary technology but it has left many computer caused spreading circle of scholars believe that the alienation of relationships, as long-term use keyboard and screen to communicate with each other will lose social Telepresence, interaction lead to diffused audience does not feel real, and thus the alienation of relationships.
2013-04-10 2:18 am
我不是高手= =

Technology is to enhance the quality of life, and help the human desire to be a fast, efficient way to meet Computer-mediated communication technology is one example. However, such convenient technology allows many scholars of Computer-mediated communication circle that cause interpersonal alienation, loss of social presence because long-term use of the keyboard and screen to communicate with each other, that audiences can not get a real taste of the interaction, and thus generate interpersonal alienation.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 18:42:04
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