What is love to the earth signs?

2013-04-08 12:41 am
especially if you have venus in an earth sign. enlighten me.

回答 (7)

2013-04-08 12:59 am
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Stability, reliability,and security. I need a stable relationship. I need to rely on you, and I need to feel secure with you, and with our relationship. I don't ask for much when it comes to love and all those mushy feelings.

Leo sun
Virgo venus
Virgo mars
I'm a Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, Taurus Mercury Taurus Ascendant and honesty is paramount!

If I'm to invest my self/emotional security it can't be with a liar know matter how small it may be.

Patience is also another quality.
I hate being forced into making my mind up about something/someone, i like to take my time and come to the best decision for me once i have weighed up my options.

I want loyalty, and if you can't provide that throughout our possible relationship in the beginning that means you won't if we are together.

I would run for the hills to protect my fragile heart from getting hurt.

Taurus invest allot into relationships, every ounce of there being, we don't do things by half's.
We are either all in or not
2013-04-08 8:07 am
Depends on which earth sign... Taurus - money, money and money. Capricorn - status, influence, power. Virgo - a bit of both money and status.
2013-04-08 8:06 am
I think Earth signs just want it in paper.

Photo evidence of dates,
Marriage contract,
Shared insurance,
Journal entries, etc.

The majority of the population is a Virgo,
Which is why "love contracts" are so important nowadays.
2013-04-08 9:25 am
Love to us earth signs are trust, being reliable, and most of all loyalty. Staying true to the words you speak. That's what us earth signs see as love in a relationship.
2013-04-08 8:03 am
Sense of life. To spend this short time on earth with a soul mate.

參考: Capricorn Venus Scorpio
2013-04-08 7:56 am
An intense feeling of deep affection: "their love for their country".
Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone): "do you love me?".
noun. affection - fondness - darling - passion
verb. like - be fond of - fancy - adore

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