What's your personal experience with Christians.?

2013-04-07 2:19 am
I honestly just want to hear your experiences, very few people ask questions that aren't pointed on here and I figured I'd ask one.

回答 (7)

2013-04-07 2:26 am
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Most of the ones I know are of a fairly mellow variety, and know how to keep it to themselves when interacting with someone that doesn't want to hear it. There are a few door-to-door proselytizers, but they are easy enough to wave off.

I did have one Mormon missionary try to wave me down while I was biking, and I ignored him. He shouted something rude after I passed by him. WTF?? I had my headphones on and was In The Zone, why the hell would I want to stop to hear some religious sales pitch??
2013-04-07 9:22 am
I just don't know. Behind those twinkly glad-happy eyes and that off-center self-satisfied smile, I detect a modicum of insanity.
2013-04-07 9:21 am
Most of the 'Christians' I know are just lazy bastards who think believing in god will get them heaven.
2013-04-07 9:20 am
Mostly they are deluded, willing to believe fantastic, childish notions with no evidence whatsoever.

It's really sad.

The term we see most often to describe them is "brainwashed" and that seems accurate. They are taught outrageous myths when too young to question them, and it sticks for their entire life, with few exceptions.
2013-04-07 9:20 am
I've never met a christian that annoyed me or was invasive, but I live in Canada, not as many fundies there :P
參考: apatheist
2013-04-07 10:26 am
My personal experience with Christians is that a lot of them are ignorant hypocritical bigots. Anybody who says I' face eternal damnation for not going to church and following the teachings of a book that is highly open to interpretation, is not somebody who I want to associate myself with.
2013-04-07 9:51 am
pretty much everything Stimpy said and how christians think i should act the way they want me to because it offends them like if i should give a fauq what offends them. they should keep there jesus christ $h!t up there own @$$ and not pull it out in front of me because i don't want to hear there non sense and yes i used swear words why, its because its emphasis on my annoyance with them

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