What does lean/sizzurp do?

2013-04-07 12:17 am
I see a lot of rappers drink this but what does it do like what are its side effects? How does it affect your body? And what happens if a person drinks this like almost 24/7 while smoking weed?

回答 (7)

2013-04-07 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
It gives you a chill out, euphoria feeling that makes everything appear better, no B.S. It's an opiate, which means it is in the same family as herion and opium. The word "high" originated from describing the sensation of opium and herion if that tells ya anything. Be careful with it though, Pimp C died from it and Wayne went into a comma because of it. If too much is drank, you're lungs will stop working.
2016-11-29 9:05 pm
Well first of all, to get a really good high you need to wake and bake every morning, like me. I recently decided to up my game and start drinking lean. LEMME TELL YOUUUUUUU BOI THAT **** WAS OFF THE CHAIN. 11/10 WOULD RECOMMEND. The first the stage starts out with a good head high, but eventually it drains down your whole body, kind of like when Nemo got flushed down the toilet and found his dad. Except I found the body and head high that I have ever experienced in all my days. Make sure before you start the journey that the snacks ARE PREPARED. I learned that the hard way....I was so turnt off dis sizzurp I got da munchies which resulted in mi throwin some cheese on a frisbee and baking it...my dumbass thought I was making a pizza (low-carb) that **** tasted like I was eating my girls shitter like an apple fritter. Highly recommend.
2016-12-13 7:36 pm
What Does Lean Do
2016-10-17 12:49 pm
make u feel god nothing bad gone happen its just fun
2016-03-27 10:13 am
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/vyv8B

I do not condone illegal activities or use of medication. For informational purposes only, lean/sizzurp is made from prescription cough medication, which you already understand you cannot obtain. Hence, you cannot make true lean/sizzurp. Dextromethorphan is the active ingredient in many variations of OTC cough medication, like Robitussin. It is completely different from the opioid chemicals in lean/sizzurp. Dex produces effects more similar to hallucinogenics and at high levels is dissociative. Dissociatives are serious, and will cause a loss of touch with reality and self (ego death). Don't do that to try out a lil wayne recommended drink.
2015-08-07 8:56 am
This Site Might Help You.

What does lean/sizzurp do?
I see a lot of rappers drink this but what does it do like what are its side effects? How does it affect your body? And what happens if a person drinks this like almost 24/7 while smoking weed?
參考: lean sizzurp do: https://tr.im/45CXo
2015-08-05 12:19 am
2013-04-07 12:58 am
Lean is promethazine cough syrup with codeine. You can look it up on WebMD. It helps you sleep when you have a severe cough, like strong Nyquil.

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