1. Robbery
2. Murder
3. BombAttack
4. WeedSmoking
5. Kidnapping
6. Insulting/Swearingin public
7. SexualAssault
8. Violence
9. Arson
10. Smuggling
1. arson縱火
2. murder謀殺
3. blackmail敲詐
4. burglar盜賊
5. steal偷
6. carjacking劫車
7. childabuse虐童
8. criminal罪犯
9. cybercrime網路犯罪
10. drugdealer販毒者
11. steal
12. head
13. deceive
14. to fight
15. drug taking
16. Kill
17. hacker
18. plagiarize
19. deception
20. Bribe
22. drugs
23. murder
24. setfire
25. escapefrom jail
26. eatwithout paying
27. bullying
28. accidentescape
29. hitthe police
30. swearing
31. 殺人犯Murderer
強暴to rape
詐欺犯Committed fraud
.暗殺assassination a assassin to assassinate
.縱火to commitarson
.劫機to hijack
.走私to smuggle
.網路駭客to hack
跟蹤to stalk