跪求英文翻譯(謝謝)(拜託) 很急~!可否幫我翻譯以下文字?

1. Robbery

2. Murder

3. BombAttack

4. WeedSmoking

5. Kidnapping

6. Insulting/Swearingin public

7. SexualAssault

8. Violence

9. Arson

10. Smuggling

1. arson縱火

2. murder謀殺

3. blackmail敲詐

4. burglar盜賊

5. steal偷

6. carjacking劫車

7. childabuse虐童

8. criminal罪犯

9. cybercrime網路犯罪

10. drugdealer販毒者

11. steal

12. head

13. deceive

14. to fight

15. drug taking

16. Kill

17. hacker

18. plagiarize

19. deception

20. Bribe

22. drugs

23. murder

24. setfire

25. escapefrom jail

26. eatwithout paying

27. bullying

28. accidentescape

29. hitthe police

30. swearing

31. 殺人犯Murderer

強暴to rape

詐欺犯Committed fraud


.暗殺assassination a assassin to assassinate
.縱火to commitarson

.劫機to hijack

.走私to smuggle

.網路駭客to hack

跟蹤to stalk



回答 (2)

2013-04-07 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can easily find the meaning all these words in the dictionary of yahoo.com

for examples -
bullying (type bully if you cannot find bullying)
swearing (type swear if you cannot get meaning of swearing.
to fight ( simply fight) etc.

2013-04-06 17:39:00 補充:
This is the only way we can learn
2013-04-08 1:13 am
小光您好!今天收到兩封知道十+的違規通知伊喵喔!超傷心ing ,也不知道自己錯在那裡,無辜的被扣點100。哇,哭ing....... (*`へ´*)

P.S. 已把相關解答資料內容,發至您伊喵。


違規者:sukichan90 ( 研究生 1 級 )
發表時間:於 2013-04-07 16:41:46 的發言
項目:回答違規 - (跪求)請幫我把這些單字轉化成名詞並附帶中文意思

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