
2013-04-06 10:01 pm
在小鎮招搖撞騙的魔術師Oscar 偶然飄流到奇幻魔境,被誤以為是傳說中前來拯救魔境的魔術師 Oscar 最初以為自己將會統治魔境,盡享富貴榮華,卻不由自主地與權霸三方的三位魔境女巫 Evanora Glinda 和Theodora展開了正邪難分、錯綜複雜的糾纏和角力, 而他的魔術技倆竟成了拯救魔境的關鍵……


回答 (4)

2013-04-07 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Trickster magician Oscar in the town happened to wander into the fantasy world of Satan, be mistaken for the legendary magician to come to the rescue McGee Oscar initially think they will dominate the world of Satan, enjoy the riches and honor, but involuntarily rights Pa tripartitebit McGee witch Evanora Glinda the Theodora launched between good and evil is difficult to distinguish, the intricate entanglement and wrestling, and his magic tactics it became the key to save the world of Satan ......
參考: 我
2013-04-08 8:38 pm
2013-04-07 9:42 pm
Trickster magician Oscar in the town happened to wander into the fantasy world of Satan, be mistaken for the legendary magician to come to the rescue McGee Oscar initially think they will dominate the world of Satan, enjoy the riches and honor, but involuntarily rights Pa tripartite McGee launched an evil witch of Evanora Glinda and Theodora bit hard to the intricate entanglement and wrestling, and his magic tactics it became the key to save the world of Satan ...

在小鎮招搖撞騙的魔術師Oscar 偶然飄流到奇幻魔境,被誤以為是傳說中前來拯救魔境的魔術師 Oscar 最初以為自己將會統治魔境,盡享富貴榮華,卻不由自主地與權霸三方的三位魔境女巫 Evanora Glinda 和Theodora展開了正邪難分、錯綜複雜的糾纏和角力, 而他的魔術技倆竟成了拯救魔境的關鍵……
參考: me
2013-04-06 10:55 pm

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