How can others learn to have respect for each other?

2013-04-06 5:24 am
The Internet is filled with lose morals and distaste.
Things people state online would never be uttered in public.
Would you say things to an 80 year old man online what you do in person?
You should.

How can we get people to be kinder online?

回答 (4)

2013-04-06 5:28 am
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The things we say online simply reflects the things we say behind people's backs irl. So I don't think we can ever change cruelty on the Internet since part of human entertainment is the suffering of others. As long as their is freedom of speech this will always happen .
2013-04-07 1:32 pm
The only way to reduce the 'net hate is to reduce the amount of speech people can exercise (Extorting offensive terms such as Swearing, Prejudice etc.). Now unfortunately if that has to happen there would be a bitchfest across the country enough to make the Internet explode. with claims that people had a part of their entitled rights revoked from them.

Otherwise, there's nothing but lost hope in Mankind.
2013-04-06 1:22 pm
I don't condone bullying even if your counter bullying. But Facebook is a thing. Think about it this way before you try it. You can point a finger, but there will be 3 pointing back. Best to take it like a mature person and live with, or report it.
2013-04-06 1:17 pm
Well, we can make a poster online about the importance of moral conduct,
and it should contain the following information:
1. Everyone should treat others with respect, say being nice to people, listen to what other people have to say and be kind to others.
2.Remember what you said online will be visible to other users, therefore it's important to use the appropriate language and avoid any negative comments. A good attitude is also important.
3.recognise the importance of self-respect and respect to others. They are inter-connected, and it is important to treat other people's comments with respect. Abusive, hate speech is not allowed on the internet.
4. Remember the internet is for everyone's use, so use it appropriately, because everyone deserve to be respected.
5.Remember to make good comments, because whatever you type on the internet, you are going to receive it back: some websites have regular records of what you have typed on the internet, and some of them cannot be removed; so please only use appropriate words, make appropriate comments when necessary.
6. Don't forget the rules. Obey the rules that you should, and follow the appropriate guidelines of what you should do on the internet. Please be polite, kind, and friendly towards others.
And lastly, everyone deserves to be respected, and all forms of inappropriate language should be banned. Please treat everyone with respect, and most importantly, behave yourself. Be aware of the words and your attitude towards others. Please use the appropriate words and a kind gesture towards others, and please be friendly, kind and polite at all times, and please, use the internet the way it should be used. Follow the guidelines, obey the rules and remember the moral conduct. Be a good user on the internet.

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