Is North Korea really going to shoot the nukes at USA?

2013-04-05 9:46 pm
Or is it all a lie?

回答 (11)

2013-04-09 8:18 pm
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No, they are incapable
2013-04-06 5:14 am
"Or is it all a lie?"

You'd better hope that it is.
2013-04-06 5:01 am
Shiiiit you believe everything the media says. Prepare for an invasion of north Korea in the next 10 years it's probably already mapped out dumb north Koreans they ain't no help they export what? They benefit who? Just a rouge state bye bye dumb fucs
2013-04-06 4:52 am
-If They "tried", it'd be the LAST Thing They ever Did ! :)
2013-04-06 4:48 am
I dont believe they can hit the us mainland with a nuke currently but i do believe they will do something within the coming days... this has been building up for quite a while now and i think its about to reach a boiling point.
2013-04-06 4:51 am
I don't think they are that stupid.This is all baloney for the sole purpose of creating something for the media to write about.
2013-04-09 11:10 pm
Their missiles are crap! Even if they deploy missiles, it will explode in midair
參考: Me
2013-04-08 1:07 pm
The question should be whether US going to invade North Korean or kill it stupid president and his generals ? I hope yes. If this dump ***,president, of North Korea attack US, North Korea will be wiped out. So, the answer of your question is no.
參考: o,
2013-04-06 5:00 am
Not hardly. Both sides are just politicking to distract the people from the real issues at hand. Like food in North Korea where people are eating grass and tree roots to survive, or here in the US where the job market is so poor that you have new college graduates competing with high school kids and older workers for jobs at McDonalds. Just my opinion. Thanks.
2013-04-06 4:52 am
Lies they don't have the technology ti fire a nuke that far but they can strike south korea or japan
2013-04-06 4:51 am
Un knows that if they manage to hit US targets with a couple of small nukes the result would be a global invasion of NK. The regime would topple and Un would end up dead (either by court sentence or vigilante justice)

It is just bluster from a 28 year old who is in WAY over his head and is trying to look tough to his own people. I do think he will launch an attack of some sort on South Korea (but not nuclear). SK has sworn it will punch back this time.

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