Why does Jodelle Micah play in almost every good scary movie?

2013-04-05 3:20 am
Just wondering... It's kind of creepy and I'm a little scared and lonely I need someone to talk to lol don't judge me

回答 (1)

2013-04-07 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is an actress named Jodelle Ferland. Is that the same person? She's only been in a few horror films, so I don't understand the "almost every". She does a lot of other work.

You might as well ask about Natasha Ryan, who co-stars in "The Entity", "The Amityville Horror" (original), "Kingdom of the Spiders", and "Sybil" (original miniseries). Linda Blair has been in a number of horror films, as has Jamie Lee Curtis.

However, all of them did a lot of other work, but most people ignore that. If you are talking about Jodelle Ferland, you have to check out her filmography here:

Why should that frighten you? I do not understand that at all.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:40:39
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