you can try contacting the education bureau in your own country by phone.
Phone them, tell them about your situation and they maybe able to help you to tackle the problems you have. Education is very important for all individuals, especially for students of age around 17-24, because they need education to better their skills in order to get a better job. It is not just about the money, a better job can actually make you happy, because it gives everyone a purpose in life, i.e. what they gonna do in this life. So get back to education, then you can get a better job at a later time, when you have finished your university course. Your efforts will be appreciated for putting the hard work into studying for higher education, because the employer likes workers with qualifications of higher level, but that's not the most important thing I want to talk about today. The most important point is that, after you get access to a higher education, your skills will definitely increase, your abilities will improve, and eventually, the advanced of your character/personality; with a higher standard of education you can stand taller than any obstacles throwing at you, no matter what happens. You need to tell yourself you are the only person who knows what's best for you. Just ask, e.g. make a call, talk to people about things, and they will be able to help you to sort it out.
Life can be tough/rough at times, but don't get discouraged, as the bible says the parable of the good seed looks small at the beginning, but if you treat it with care, it will be prosperous at the end. The road maybe long, tedious and difficult, but please don't give up, try your best at everything, try to be nice to other people if you can, participate in any volunteer work if you can, then your life will never be the same again. As I said, try talk to different people, join in clubs/participate in different activities, hopefully things will turn out fine.
In conclusion, you need to take account for what you want to accomplish in this life and make the best out of the situation. Try contacting education department/bureau for education details. Some education services are relatively cheaper, so you can try on that(it is not that expensive), only you must decide what subjects you are going to study(say english language, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology). If you are not sure what to do or you are not sure whether to re-enter college yet, try go to the book store and purchase some books that you would like to read, say I already brought two a-level chemistry and biology books from the book store in my own country, both are for a-level beginners. So get yourself educated, get your books ready, prepare your mindset for college, and you can have a bright future like everyone else :)
And for the bills, I am sure your parents may be able to help you out with it. Education has its own importance. Talk to your parents about whether to go back to education or not, because ultimately it's your choice, I cannot choose it for you, because my timetable/personality may not suit you, so it's just for reference only. You need to find what suit you the best in your life, because ultimately you have to make those difficult choices in life by yourself, no one else can choose it for you, because you know yourself the best. You know what you are good at, say accounting, business, history, economics, etc etc. so say if you are good at business, brought some books of business studies and put effort into it(studying). Then if you are interested in business, you could get yourself a college to enter university for higher education, if you like, but ask yourself if this is the life you want. Ask yourself this question, "Is this what you really want?" If not, what is that that you want in life? Perhaps continuing the present job but try harder at it?
You can continue your present job for now, but with a positive attitude towards it. Try your very best for this job you have. Spend some time to study business in your spare time to improve your skills at business. With a positive attitide towards work, I am sure things will turn out fine.
Good luck, buddy, and may the force be with you :)
參考: Personal experience :)