Can you explain my feelings?

2013-04-04 4:23 pm
Okay. So basically, ever since I was a kid, I had always wanted to be a Doctor. It was my dream. It still is. But unfortunately, my parents can not afford to send me to medical school. My dad is going to retire in like 4 years. So I'm gonna take engineering soon. I'm a Senior right now and I'm 2 months away from graduating and going to the university.

A week ago, I was talking to this girl. A friend of mine who I kinda have a thing for. She's fun, she's nice, she brings positive energy most of the time. That's the kind of girl she is.
So a week ago, she mentioned that she was gonna be a surgeon, although she didn't exactly want that. She wants to be a Vet but her father doesn't want her to be one so she's gonna be a surgeon.

I dont know why this bothers me so much. I mean why do I get this feeling. I'm supposed to be happy for her because she gets to be a doctor and thats a good thing. But why do I feel bad all of a sudden?

回答 (5)

2013-04-04 4:41 pm
You felt bad all of a sudden because you realise you aren't becoming a doctor in reality(your dream job is fading away*) another possible reason is because you realise you are not going to be a doctor(surgeon) and you are seeing other people to be a doctor, so you feel discouraged/unhappy because you may think, "why other people can become a doctor(surgeon) while I cannot?!!! I want to be a doctor but I am not getting it." It is kinda a frustration sometimes, to see other people reaching the goal you're looking for but you aren't reaching it, so it kinda frustrating for you and it makes you feel uncomfortable because you really want to be a doctor and you are not getting it :/
To the best of my knowledge, I believe that you want to be like her to become a real doctor(surgeon) but you aren't, so it is a shock to you(it is shock because what you dream about was only a dream, and you realise in reality it is not going to happen. it's only her that get the job of surgeon.)
That "shock" makes you felt bad all of a sudden (it could be the cause of the feeling bad all of a sudden, it is how I interpret it)
anyways, once you have earned enough money, you can try to apply for the medical field.
During interview tell em you really wish to be a doctor and they may accept your application :)
Good luck, buddy :)
2013-04-04 4:34 pm
:? Why do you feel bad? Because you have sympathy for someone you really care about. It's always the positive people that we fall for the easiest. We always have this sense of trying to protect them. That's why you're feeling bad. You just have a heart.
2013-04-04 4:33 pm
It may just be a jealousy issue. Have you talked to her about the same situation with your own father? She could relate to you. There is nothing really you could do. You are just bummed that you wish you had her problem instead. You could also save up and take medical school later on in life.
Get what I'm trying to say?
2013-04-04 4:31 pm
I know just how you feel!! When I was in college, I majored in French. I struggled through the major because I never had been overseas like all of the other students. When I finally got my degree I tried to go to France, but still didn't have the money. That same month, my sister announced she was going to France for a couple of weeks on vacation and I felt just like you do now. It meant so much to me to go and yet I couldn't. It was just a fleeting thought to her and just like that, she went. For you, you know she is getting the very thing you are hungry for, yet it isn't even what she wants. Unfortunately, that is jealousy rearing its ugly head. We are all capable of feeling the sting of jealousy even if we don't tend to be the jealous type. Good luck and maybe there will be a way even though you cannot see it right now.
2013-04-04 4:24 pm

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