I don't know what to do with my life, what should i do ?

2013-04-04 4:16 pm
I'm in the first grade of High school but i'm sick of the little town i live in , i'm sick of the mean people that live here and i'm bored of my life .At school it was ok at first but then they started to laugh at me ,to tease me and bully me , i'm pretty shy and uncomfortable with new people and every time i try to be outgoing they call me stupid the same thing happened in eight grade and in the other grades .I participate at the Miss contest in my school and some boys from the last year called me beautiful and teased me in a friendly manner and the girls from other class start to tease and bully me because of that.At home my mother and my stepfather have problems with money and they scream at me . I don't know what to do with my life or what kind of college i should go . I just want to finnish the school and go in a other country to escape from all these problems that i have and that are in my country .Is normal to think like that and what should i do :( ?

回答 (6)

2013-04-04 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the field of tension with your not knowing what good to do in your life, and of being much dissatisfied of the people in your own world, and hopefully your own soon more increasing perspicacity, from a level of better nurtured own good material and spiritual energy you may simply be achieving a superb awareness of more sagacity and of the urge of good creative belonging and of the glowing sun-kissed treasures and of the real hidden strength and beauty of your own life. You will have to put more diligent daring struggle into what good you do, the struggle of a braver fiercer fighter, but then the change will be great! Suddenly you will be feeling proud and elated!

Ways of better nurturing your own good energies may be through better more health-promoting food perhaps prepared by you for you and socially for family, for a good friend or for friends; through better moments of more corroborating rest especially at night or whenever you may need it; through better hours of amusement in free and funny company or perhaps all on your own; through more fiercely going out and doing an open-air sport with many great perspiring exertions and where you might be competing for shining medals or for other great prizes; through going and tilling a fine garden for wonderful herbs and for much scented flowers and for delicious fruits; through more diligently daringly doing all your good duties of education and of home for better more precious riches of now and for better chances of future.

In your life, for better nurturing your own good chances and your own prouder strength, you might try and more be adopting the cunning style of the proverbial astute good fighter, of the proverbial good old sly fox no matter how young you still are, for hopefully your own better survival!

In your life, in whatever good things you are doing or dreaming to do or are supposed to do (must do) for hopefully your own better survival, especially in your necessary interactions with hopefully good others in your world, you are more diligently co-working at building up, or more passionately adding up to, some great creative new events of now and some good perhaps wonderful memories for a future; wonderful memories for your own future!

Dear good friend of ours from within the wider bounds of this great cyberspace, so also you might try and do! So your feelings of being depressed and of not knowing what good you can do with your life soon will evaporate into sweet more sun-kissed air and the delicious scented meaning of fiercer prouder life will inundate you.

Have good thoughts of a happier more confident life of now and for future in the great company of perhaps a new friend or of good stranger or for a great long while all on your own. Good luck with you!
2013-04-04 11:35 pm
Have patience. Almost all of us just sit on the launch pad until around age 18. After that, our life options open up, and we blast off. We look back a few years and think:

"Why did I waste even one minute of my time being upset about totally meaningless BS high school stuff ? Let's see, those dumb bully-girls were named......umm.....uhhh........named.......

Molly ?.....Millie ?.....Mary ?"
Wait, WAIT !! Forget everything I said and just do what this guy below me says. But DON'T make a move until you look up the meanings of "perspicacity" and "sagacity"....
2013-04-04 11:28 pm
you cannot escape from your problems, because whenever you go, similar problems always seem to crop up, don't you realise that? it happens because of your actions and your words towards people. you need to beware of what words you said to other people. Once your attitude changes, your life will change. Try to use nice words/ try to be nice to people, try to meet other people's needs/wants. If you treat people well, they will treat you well too, that's why
Ask them, "why are u laughing? what's going on?" understanding the problem is a good step to fix the core of the problem. Ask them, " why do you think I am stupid? Is there a problem?" then they might explain the situation and give you a more clear idea of what is really going on here. In star wars I am a jedi sage so I know a lot about how to deal with tricky situations in conversations :)
back to the subject, go on with your studies, have a go, don't take it too hard on youself(take it easy). Choose the subjects you like to study, work hard at it and get some nice grades, then you are good to go :)
2013-04-04 11:27 pm
Anywhere you go you will find critics. Look at some of your favorite celebrities- see all the BS they go through in magazines & tv shows? They're loved and hated but stand tall on what they wish to be & thrive on the love of those around them. I grew up in a situation similar to yours & hated it. I'm now a nurse states away from where I was & happier than I ever thought i'd be. It took a long hard 6 years but I did it. Focus on yourself, your dreams, wants & needs.. slowly get to them regardless of what anyone says. They aren't you & they can't stop you. Anything you want can happen if you put your mind to it & believe in yourself. That's not a sappy saying- its true. Most of the people who got on the top started at the very bottem, lower than you & I can imagine. They pushed through it, became stronger, wiser & happier. In time things will fall into place. Keep your head high & never give up. One smile goes farhter than 10 frowns.. find your reason to smile & embrace it. Good luck & God bless.
2013-04-04 11:23 pm
First of all, I am sorry things are tough for you right now. Things will get better beyond high school, but please, whatever you do, BE CAREFUL!! Beautiful young girls who are low in confidance, or shy or coming from vulnerable positions are promised things and lured by many dangerous people posing as "kind" people, especially guys who want to take advantage of you. So please please be careful with yourself, because you are worth it and you have a bright future ahead of you, even if you cannot picture it now. Cheer up. Things will get better. Learn to love yourself and get involved in an activity that makes you happy and where there are people who like the same things as you. :)
2013-04-04 11:20 pm
Maybe you should take up a hobby that you could use in later life. Learn a language, so you can travel. Businesses love linguists. You could escape from where you live and get a cool job. Work hard in school though. When it gets hard, just think "this is my one ticket outta here". By the sounds of it, just hang out with the boys, because the girl sound mean and jealous. I hope I helped :)

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