This account cannot be deleted because it is used in customer defaults...
Click on the Customer & Sales Navaid.
Click Customers, Set Up Customer Defaults.
Check the GL Link Accounts. Change the account you're trying to delete to a different account and then click OK.
Now you should be able to delete the account.
但係我跟足以上提示都找不到 - GL link.
請問各位大大知不知道如何default AR account code?
Many Thanks!
謝謝Sky的回覆, 其實我之後都找到了方法. 首先, 我的問題是開新公司, 所以不存在影響以前debtor sub-ledger transaction的問題. 方法: 1) 首先開一個你喜歡的新的Debtor Ledger Account (e.g. 12000) 2) 去扮開一張新invoice, 在開invoice的畫面右邊有個"A/R account"的item, 在此改為你剛才新開的account - 12000, 再save.
(註, 如果你在開invoice的畫不找不到那個"A/R account", 那麼你先去呢度改setting: peachtree主頁頂的menu > Options > Global > Accounting > Hide General Ledger Accounts > 不要tick 改了setting你便可以在開新invoice畫面找到"A/R account")
3) save了新invoice, default 的 Debtor code 都會變成你剛才save的那個12000, 這時候你可以delete返舊果個debtor ledger account code了. (當然, 你要記得delete返你頭先果張假新invoice啦.) 係咁.