
2013-04-04 9:03 pm
有邊D VERB後面係2種都得??


回答 (4)

2013-04-09 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Certain verbs can be followed by an –ing form, but not by an infinitive.

admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, contemplate, defer, delay, deny, detest, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, feel like, finish, give up, imagine, involve, justify, keep (on), leave, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, prevent, put off, recall, recommend, resent, resist, risk, save, suggest, tolerate

e.g. I don’t mind going if no one else wants to.

(2) Certain verbs can be followed by an infinitive, but not by an –ing form

afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, beg, campaign, care, choose, consent, dare, decide, demand, expect, fail, fight, guarantee, happen, help, hesitate, hope, intend, long, manage, need, neglect, offer, pause, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, prove, refuse, seem, swear, tend, threaten, trouble, vow, wait, want, wish, yearn

e.g. She wants to see you.

(3) Some verbs can be followed by an –ing form or an infinitive, with no difference in meaning.

attempt, begin, bother, can’t bear, can’t stand, cease, continue, deserve, fear, hate, like, love, prefer, start

e.g. I love playing tennis.
I love to play tennis.

(4) Some verbs can be followed by an –ing form or by to + infinitive, but there is difference in meaning.

forget/remember, go on, mean, regret, stop, try

I will never forget meeting him. (= forget an earlier action)
Don’t forget to lock the door. (= forget to do a future action.)

They stopped making type-writers twenty years ago. (stop = finish an action)
We stopped to get gasoline. (stop = finish one action in order to do another one)

"Allow " takes an –ing form of verb
They don’t allow sunbathing here.

But when it has an object, "allow" takes a to-infinitive
They don’t allow you to sunbathe here.

And “be allowed” takes a to-infinitive
You aren’t allowed to sunbathe here.

We can use need, want, and deserve with a to-infinitive
We need to leave early.

-ing form (gerund) after these verbs has passive meaning
All these figures need checking.
參考: Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar
2013-04-08 11:50 pm
.admit, avoid, consider, deny,enjoy, finish, keep, practise, recommend, suggest
agree, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, promise, prepare, seem, want
有邊D VERB後面係2種都得
love, hate, like, begin, start, continue, stop, go, remember, forget, regret, try

2013-04-08 15:51:18 補充:
do hope i can help u
參考: myself
2013-04-04 10:41 pm
Participial helping you in a list:-
consisting of a participle used adjectivally
present:-has an active meaning, the past participle has a passive one.Compare eg:-He found the fire burning brightly=the fire was burning .Active voice. --He found the house burned down=the house was burned. Passive voice. I heard she playing the "Moonlight Sonata in the poor hut."=she was playing .Active voice.----I heard the "Moonlight Sonata in the poor hut" played by Maria Cary=It was played by her. Passive voice.---The villa (overlooking the sea) was built on mid-level.(qualifying the noun villa.)Present Participial---She brought some flowers (picked from the garden.)---Past Participial
Other eg in the Past Participle is active in eg as:- a retired teacher=a teacher who has retired; ---the fallen girl=the girl who fell;----a withered(faded)flower= a flower that has withered (faded);-----an escaped Maria= a Maria who has escaped.)
The Infinitive:-
It expresses the notion of the verb in its general sense,not applies to any particular subject.There are four forms of Infinitive:-Simple Active&Passive=(to)write;--(to)be written;-----Perfect Active&Passive=(to)have written--(to) have been written.
Preceded by to,eg:-
She wants to learn English.---"To err is human, to forgive divine."
The infinitive with to is used:-
(a)after the special finites ought and used,eg;-You ought to go.---I used to live here.
(b)with do,need&dare when they are used not as special finites but as full verbs,eg;-She did it to please you.--You don't need to go.--She won't dare to disobey her father.
(c)with be &have when used to express commands,eg:-You are to go to the Principal's room at once.
The plain infinitive(without -to) is used:- after the special finites can(could), do(did), may(might), shall(should), will(would), must, need, dare, eg:-
She can speak English.--Did you hear a noise?--I might go.--We shall meet her.---I will help!
After the verbs of perception:-see,hear,feel,etc,and after make and let
2013-04-04 10:23 pm
所有的verb 是兩種都有o

I go to school.
I am going to

He eats an apple
He is eating an

She smiles happily.
She is smiling happily now.

We go to the party together.
We are going to the party together now

You draw a picture.
You are are drawing a picturel now.

They have dinner together..
They are having dinner together now.

The dog barks at the visitors.
It is barking at the visitors now.

Simple present tense
I, we, you, they = go, play, have, smile, draw
he she it = goes, plays, has, smiles, draws

Present continuous tense - format
I = am + verb + ing
He, she , it = is + verb +ing
They, we & you = are = verb + ing

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