How do I learn to love myself more?

2013-04-03 8:46 pm
I've been wondering this for some time... I hate myself so much... And for the past 2 years, I've been trying to love myself more but still find it unsuccessful. Any ideas?

Thank you everyone for your reply. All suggestions are very helpful and I'll work on each one. Just trying to get through this "self-hate" part.


While I was growing up my dad was in the military. It was a bitter-sweet moments. I love traveling and seeing different places, but hated it because I had to adjust to a new school, meet new friends, etc. Plus as I was growing up, I was the unpopular person, I was teased, hated, etc... I have very little friends... I tired everything I could to have others like me. Even if it meant me being a "people pleaser" I've struggled with Major Depression most of my life as well as self-injury, eating disorders, and anxiety... I am seeing a therapist and a med dr. about it, but still feel useless on a lot of things. Just wanting to work on loving myself more. Maybe by then, I can get over a lot of the things I'm going through...


I'm 33, married, and a mother of 3 children

回答 (7)

2013-04-04 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Can you share more about when you began thinking the way you do about yourself? Self-hate can result from different things.Did something traumatic happen to you? Any kind of abuse? Do you compare yourself to others? But in my opinion all emotional issues stem from irrational thinking. Have you thought about trying talk therapy? I would encourage you do so. I would highly recommend any books by Albert Ellis and Rational Emotive Therapy. Good Luck!
參考: I am a mental health professional. I completed my graduate degree in counseling from The University of Scranton in 1997. I specialize in the treatment of anxiety and depression. I assist patients with RET(Rational Emotive Therapy) developed by Albert Ellis PhD.
2013-04-04 3:52 am
First, stop saying you "hate yourself", because you tend to respond the way you speak to yourself. If you won't give yourself the benefit of doubt and every good advantage in life, who will? Replace all internal "negative speak" with positive, action affirming words, and see if you don't start having better luck in life. Give yourself respect, and demand that others in your life do likewise. Treat yourself and others the way you want to be treated. This would be a good start. Lastly, try to hang around people who already have this approach to life down pat, and model their behavior towards others and themselves.
2013-04-04 11:50 pm
by respecting your own thoughts and your own opinions.
Remember to value your own thoughts and treat them with respect.
For example, you want a cup of tea or you want to go for a walk, you do so immediately.
you need to help yourself and help yourself out before you can love yourself back.
say you want games and fun, music, play games and listen to music in your spare time;
get yourself a little something, you know
It's just the little things, write yourself a lovingly christmas card, get yourself some nice clothes, eat something nice, you know
Help out with your homework too :) by asking teachers & your friends.
I wish you have a lovely day and take care :)
2013-04-04 8:13 am
If you’re a teen, remember that the teen years are the absolute worst time of your life. I'm surprised any of us survive it. You are struggling with so much stress, pressures, changes... Your body and mind are trying to cope but ... it's hard.

The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

It can cause depression, anxiety, panic, obsession, self harm/self hatred, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sleeping problems, aggression/rage, anger, phobias, fears, helplessness/hopelessness, hypochondria, ADHD, paranoia, OCD, headaches, lack of interest in things, lack of motivation/ focus and much more.

Go to a dr. and ask for anti-depressants. Zoloft/Sertraline is a good one; most people thrive on it and it has no side effects. With antidepressants, you will be much better, happier, calmer, confident, safer and feel normal. What a difference it makes!

Therapists are mostly a waste of time and money. They aren’t even allowed to prescribe appropriate meds to help you get better.

Don’t stop taking the meds once you start to feel better. You need them, so stay on them.

But meds can do only so much. God is the ONLY one who knows what you’re thinking, how you’ve struggled and what you’re going thru. He loves you passionately and wants to be your BFF. He has a super-deluxe custom-made plan for your life that’s beyond anything you ever dreamed of. BUT He waits for us to ask. Invite Him into your heart; ask Him to take over your life and your problems.

Find a big, happy church, attend some groups and have fun. Talk with the pastor or youth pastor; he probably deals with this a lot and will have some good ideas. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine :)
2013-04-04 3:53 am
You need to trut in yourself. Love youself is the best way you can learn about love. And also, you can love another poeple and before you need feel confortamble with youself
2013-04-04 3:49 am
It takes having confidence in yourself, and celebrating your flaws and strengths. Embracing yourself completely. All i know is that this can take years, even decades. Plus, as you age, you usually become more comfortable with yourself anyway.
2013-04-04 3:52 am

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