2)objects moving at constant velocity係咪無net work done?
3)計PE果陣幾時要take reference level? 書d examples 都唔係次次有take
4)http://s1353.photobucket.com/user/s031026/media/1_zps60f19ddd.png.html is T1=T2? shouldnt that T2>T1 as the vertical component of T2 balances T1?
5)http://s1353.photobucket.com/user/s031026/media/P1020597_zps2dd80802.jpg.html how to calculate it?
6) http://s1353.photobucket.com/user/s031026/media/P1020595_zps62146ecf.jpg.html for (c), the equation of W=Fs is used, but i don't understand why the answer takes s=the distance travelled by the train instead of the displacement? According to the definition of work,s should be the displacement travelled by the train? Besides, what should be the displacement of the train if it travels from A to B?
million thanks!!!!!
thanks everyone for helping!!! iamwhoiam: gd luck with yr DSE!! 4) the 2 circles are smooth pulleys and the whole system is at rest.
5) When A exerts force on B (120N right?), B should also exert an equal but opposite force on A also. It turns out that A should remain at rest as the net force acting on it is 0.
Besides, is it true that if two objects are packed closely, they should have same acceleration when a net force is acting on them regardless of their masses? Is there any explanation for it? once again thanks everyone!!
4) What if I tie another weight to the other side so that it is in equilibrium? will T1 = T2? thanks!!