I hate everything about my life. What should I do?

2013-04-03 5:25 am
I really hate my life. The only time I'm happy is when I'm by myself. I have no friends and I don't get along with my family that well. I've never really had anything in common with anyone. I've tried to make friends by joining clubs but that just ended up making things worse. I get yelled at a lot and it seems i never do anything right. I've tried so many things to make things better but nothing seems to work, it just seems to be making things worse. I'm also really sick of people saying things will get better when there really not and even they know that. Its been like this for years and i mean a lot of years. I really want to change things but I just don't know how. Could someone please help me? I just don't know what to do.

By the way I'm 15 years old. Also don't just say you will grow out of it. A lot of my problems aren't just something I can grow out of and it's just getting worse. Help!

回答 (8)

2013-04-03 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's time to give up. Stop trying to be what others want you to be. Be you. Follow your heart. Deep inside you feel some conflict.

When I was your age I tried so hard to fit in. I gave up. When I gave up and started being myself I drew in people. I was happier. Some of the people in my life weren't happy with the change. They soon got over it. Ultimately it saved my live.
2013-04-03 5:28 am
punch life in the face
2013-04-04 10:35 pm
See a therapist or read psychology books. That's the REAL answer you're looking if you actually want to change.

Also, read philosophy to understand the world better and yourself.
2013-04-04 4:17 pm
Ask yourself, what is that you want?
Talk about it with your friends and say you want these things.
They may respond to you and take you to the place where you belong :)
say I like star wars and I talk about it with my friends,
they respond immediately by telling me where to buy star wars stuffs (toys stuff like that)
you can try do something you are interested in, like reading books, play guitar, have a nice walk at the beach, invite your friends to join your party :) ha all good :)
you don't have to solve the problems yourself; talk about it with your family, friends, school teachers, your personal tutor(if you have one), discuss about it and I am sure we can work it through :) Try telephone call your friends and talk about it and I am sure we can fix the problem you are facing. Listen to the advice of your parents, your teachers and your friends. They could be right after all :)
參考: personal experience :)
2013-04-04 8:29 am
In the field of tension with your hating everything about your life and of feeling estranged and hopefully your own soon more growing perspicacity, from a level of better nurtured own good material and ethereal energy you may simply be achieving a superb awareness of more sagacity and of the urge of good activity and of the glowing sun-kissed treasures and of the real hidden strength and good style of your own life. You will have to put more diligent daring struggle into what good you do, the struggle of a braver fiercer fighter, but then the change will be great! Suddenly you will be feeling proud and elated!

Ways of better nurturing your own good energies may be through better more health-promoting food perhaps prepared by you for you, for family, for good friend or for friends; through better moments of more corroborating rest especially at night or whenever you may need it; through better hours of amusement in free and funny company or perhaps all on your own; through more fiercely going out and doing an open-air sport with many great perspiring exertions and where you might be competing for medals or for other great prizes; through going and tilling a fine garden for wonderful herbs and for greatly scented flowers and for delicious fruits; through more diligently daringly doing all your good duties in your education and at home for better more precious riches of now and for better chances of future.

In your life, for better nurturing your own good chances and your own prouder strength, you might try and more be adopting the cunning style of the proverbial astute old fighter, of the good old sly fox, no matter how young you still are, for hopefully your own better survival!

In your life, in whatever good things you are doing or dreaming to do or are supposed to do (must do) for hopefully your own better survival, especially in your necessary interactions with hopefully good others in your world, you are more diligently co-working at building up, or more passionately adding up to, some great creative new events of now and some good perhaps wonderful memories for a future; wonderful memories for your own future!

Dear good friend of ours from within the wider bounds of this great cyberspace, so also you might try and do! So your feelings of being depressed and estranged in your life soon will evaporate into sweet more sun-kissed air and the delicious scented meaning of fiercer prouder life will inundate you. Have good thoughts of a happier more active good life of now and for future in the great company of perhaps a new friend or of good stranger or for a great long while all on your own. Do also try and be more open for chances of lots of great merry thoughtless laughs in good company, when good loving company is there, or more often most sublimely all on your own! Good luck with you!
2013-04-03 5:37 am
You seem like you are independent and that is perfectly fine. To try to get more friends try to open up more to people or try to connect with people and I'm not meaning to be mean but maybe you should try to show more love and care in front of people. I'm not saying you aren't loving and caring. I'm sure you are I just am trying some ideas because I never actually met you. And also if you just can't make friends because no one excepts you than they just have a problem, you can find something that you really love doing and that might make you feel good about yourself:) I hoped I helped you.
2013-04-03 5:34 am
Id love to help but know nothing about you. If you don't have a spouse or kids why don't you volunteer abroad for a year or move somewhere else?
2013-04-03 5:37 am
Honestly if u wanted ur life to change u wouldv changed it by now. How old r u.? If u don't like ur life than presue another one. Look at the beauty in small things.! Have u ever seen a rose up close.? Haven't u seen the sky in the middle of the night full of stars and light.?
Look for things that you like. Go to a club that u find interesting.! Don't just join to join. If u act desperate towards people and become a people pleasure no ones gonna like you. Be yourself and show off what u really can do.!
As for your family go up to them and discuss the problem if it bothers u so much that you don't talk to them. THEY are the ones you're suppose to be more comfortable with.
Go out on dates, get drunk, have sex, eat chocolate, whatever makes you feel alive.!
Don't lose hope everything is fixable except for death.! No need to rush in life because you're only gonna live it once. Things wont get better unless YOU put in the effort to make a change. Youv gotta see the world optomistic not realistic. That is how ul enjoy your life.
參考: Suffered from depression:)

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