Do I have depression?

2013-04-03 4:42 am
At a very young age, I have been feeling so empty about my life...I remember one time when i was very young, about 11 years old, I was visiting my aunt's sister house, they had a big house, they were relatively wealthy.. Of course i would enjoyed living there, but when we left...I just felt so depressed...I felt that i was leaving this incredible place and was going back to my ******-up environment (my family is about average in terms of economic status, not too rich, nor poor) . That is how i felt. And this mindset has been following me for the next 8, 9 years...
I am an immigrant, I came into America 5 years ago. I always think that being away from family, relative, one of those reasons why i feel depressed about life. Actually I just went back to my country 2 months ago, thinking about the grandma that I finally get to see and my little cousin who was only a young baby when i left...all of those are so emotional to me.
Something is wrong with me, that is for sure. Most people I met have no intention to look back, but I am just emotional..

Any advice, comment or experience?
I appreciate it

回答 (1)

2013-04-05 2:20 am
I know it seems like there's no bright side, but there is one! Just look within yourself, dear, and you can find something good. You are not depressed, you may just be sad. You sound like a wonderful person. Counselors are what will really help you. Find one that you can really talk to, and they will help! (I felt the same way returning from vacation :P)
參考: Personal experience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:40:03
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