Thinking about killing myself?

2013-04-03 12:35 am
this is it
i've never been so unhappy, nobody has ever been so unhappy
i want to stop hurting.. i feel nothing but pain,
and it's getting so difficult to hide it, wearing a fake smile every single day, i've been so disordered and sad for years but now--im just so unhappy and i hate myself sof ucking much that death seems better than this
i don't want to struggle anymore i don't want to hurt anymore
i don't want to breathe anymore

回答 (13)

2013-04-03 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!! I am serious. You can't end your life now! I know EXACTLY how you feel; I've been bullied and get a LOT of hate myself... My advice is to be thankful for what you've got - I know it sounds strange, but believe me, it helps. Be thankful for things like having food, even having education, or having some friends. Try to stand up to those HORRIBLE bullies - remember you are WAY better than them! They bully you because they want to impress their friends, because their heart is hard, or because they have no life at all and like to make other people's lives miserable! And PLEASE DON'T CUT YOURSELF - you may think it helps, but it doesn't! In the end you are left with the scars that won't fade away. You are harming yourself and making the situation worse, even though you think you release how you feel. Maybe try talking to yourself (it sounds weird but it helps) and saying really positive things about you. Next time you look at yourself in the mirror, tell the girl you see that she is beautiful just the way she is, from me! She is amazing and cool! Pray to God (even if you're not a Christian). Believe me, bad things happen in our lives because God will make something good out of it. I KNOW God exists because he answers every prayer in some way or another. You just have to open your ears and heart. Also, you could get a bible that is easy to understand and is the New Living Translation and look in depth in the New Testament (I know you might not believe in God, but you can always give it a go and go to church!) Or please talk about this to someone you trust - they may be able to help even if you don't think so! I hope this will help you, and, remember, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE AND AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!! <3 xxx
參考: Personal knowledge, experience, and the Bible! xxx
2013-04-03 7:40 am
Suicide is not the way out. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I feel like this a lot, I have a family history of depression. I am in pain and unhappy every single day, but you have to think about others. Think about family and friends. Try and conjure up at least ONE person you know cares for you. I also need somebody to talk to. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you feel the need. Please, please don't kill yourself.
參考: Personal experience.
2013-04-03 7:39 am
If you’re a teen, remember that the teen years are the absolute worst time of your life. I'm surprised any of us survive it. You are struggling with so much stress, pressures, changes... Your body and mind are trying to cope but ... it's hard.

The brain is a very complicated and delicate thing. It can get messed up and be unable to produce any or enough serotonin. This is called a chemical imbalance which is easily treated, very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

It can cause depression, dispair, anxiety, panic, obsession, self harm/self hatred, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, sleeping problems, aggression/rage, anger, phobias, fears, helplessness/hopelessness, hypochondria, ADHD, paranoia, OCD, headaches, lack of interest in things, lack of motivation/ focus and much more.

Go to a dr. and ask for anti-depressants. Zoloft/Sertraline is a good one; most people thrive on it and it has no side effects. With antidepressants, you will be much better, happier, calmer, confident, safer and feel normal. What a difference it makes!

Therapists are mostly a waste of time and money. They aren’t even allowed to prescribe appropriate meds to help you get better.

Don’t stop taking the meds once you start to feel better. You need them, so stay on them.

But meds can do only so much. God is the ONLY one who knows what you’re thinking, how you’ve struggled and what you’re going thru. He loves you passionately and wants to be your BFF. He has a super-deluxe custom-made plan for your life that’s beyond anything you ever dreamed of. BUT He waits for us to ask. Invite Him into your heart; ask Him to take over your life and your problems.

Find a big, happy church, attend some groups and have fun. Talk with the pastor or youth pastor; he probably deals with this a lot and will have some good ideas. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine :)
2013-04-05 12:11 am
Listen kid, don't do this
this is the dark path
you can only live once in this life and you can never live twice or be another person
please treasure what you have in this life
you need to find ways to solve problems or resolve the negativity in your life
talk to your parents(your families) about the pain/the struggle you are facing
and see if anything can be done to relieve the pain.
Listen to music, go for a walk in the park
You deserve to be so much more, pal you can reach the star and create an amazing journey in your life Throughout your life you will learn new things you never know so don't get discouraged :)
2013-04-03 8:27 pm
It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you are feeling so much emotional pain that you are contemplating suicide. Suicide is never the answer, no matter what problems you are struggling with. Know that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Don't keep your suicidal thoughts a secret. Immediately involve a trusted adult such as your parents, school counselor, teacher, coach, etc. It's so important that you get the support that you need to help you through this difficult time. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone. Never give up on yourself, you are a valuable person.

Please contact the Boys Town National Hotline and speak to one of our trained counselors. Our counselors are available 24/7 to help with any type of issue. We are concerned about your safety and want to help.

Counselor, MT

Boys Town National Hotline
2013-04-03 6:35 pm
Many people have testified that when they died in their hospital bed and came back to life later that they met Jesus, and He told them it is not time for them to be taken, and He sent them back into their body and they were miraculously healed... all to the doctors and nurses amazement. Others who died saw their bodies from above as they left and headed down a dark tunnel where they could see flames and the smell of sulfur ahead. They called out to the Lord Jesus to save them, and He did and sent them back into their bodies to tell others... the doctors and nurses could not believe they came back to life. I have several friends who prayed for such a man who died in a hospital bed, and he came back to life after 3 hours. I also know that man and that this was verified by the hospital as being all true.

God did not create you to commit suicide. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as He died on the cross for your sins. Start reading the New Testament of the bible. Go to the church God puts on your heart to. Live for Christ, and you will find peace and happiness.
2013-04-03 12:13 pm
my invisible friend, I don't really want to advise you. I wish we could have a tea and talk ! I understand how It feels to have such feeling. I have had similar situations too.

Do you want to know how I deal with this feeling?

I often tell myself ; wait little bit more before you do something. This is because I want to make sure I don't regret it. I tell this even when I am extremely hopeless. I had a lecturer at Uni and I liked that he was so careful with his words. He was thinking and then explaining things slowly .. I always thought he was a wise man because he was careful with his words and actions.
2013-04-03 10:03 am
I don't know what to say but I know you're a teen. What is the reason you want to end your life? Suicide is not the best solution. Even though you commit suicide,your soul would not rest in peace. It will roam the world,haunting people and other living beings. You will never be happy. Remember that.
2013-04-03 8:45 am
Hmm... Unfortunately, there's really no easy way to end your life without feeling extreme pain first. If you attempt, there is a 98% chance you'll just hurt yourself really really bad and you'll just end up in the hospital where the doctors will be upset with you and could refuse to give you any morphing for the extreme pain you're in, to teach you a lesson, just so you won't be tempted to harm yourself again. And then, you'll end up in a mental institution where you'll never get out and will be watched like a hawk, you'll never get any privacy. You'll eventually go mad because of lack of human contact after being in the institution for a while. Trust me, kid, I've had a friend whose tried to attempt and failed and it just made him even more miserable, plus... the agonizing pain. If you don't want to that to happen, then you should get help, while there is still time to get help. Talk to your parents, school counselor and/or teacher. One of them will get you the help you need to get back on the right track.
I know being in this situation sucks. We've all been there and I know you're tired of hearing that we've all been there, but it's true. The truth is, this cruel world needs you, if only for you to help make this cruel world a better place. The world can't get better on its own. Believe me, there's a lot of people out there that needs your help, too, just like you need others. Volunteer for a charity, any type of charity that is near you. Take care of the ill, do arts and crafts for/with kids, become a role model. You were born to do great things. Being a person whose destiny to do great things doesn't come so easy most of the time, and it can also be very lonely, that's why most people doesn't do it.

P.S. Some people believe that when people commits suicide, it is said that those people that commits end ups suffering and feeling the exact same pain and sorrow they've been feeling when they were still alive; the only difference is, it's 10 times worst and it is for an eternity, so there's no way to get out of it. Think about it, there is still time to make you feel better. If you end your life now and if what those people believe is true, you'll end up feeling worst then ever and it'll be too late to change it.
I hope you feel better.
2013-04-03 7:42 am
I don't think you need a long answer ,but I did wanna commit suicide about at 14 there's allot of good thing's in life you just need to find your path
參考: Experience's

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