How to make myself happy?

2013-04-02 11:10 pm
I spend everyday doing the same thing. Getting up going to the gym and then sitting in while all my friends are out, it's hard for me as well because I live a bit away from them so I find it hard to get up to where they stay but when I get the choice to go I always turn it down.

I feel so pushed away from all my friends and they don't even want to be my friend anymore and don't seem to care about me. Can someone please help me feel better?

回答 (7)

2013-04-04 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sweetie, you make the effort to go to the gym, but don't put an effort to want to be with your friends. The way I see it is that friends all has to make an effort to do their part on a friendship. Every time you have a choice to go where they're at, you turn it down, maybe that's why you think they don't want to be your friend anymore, it's because they think you don't want to be their friend anymore either.
Look, it's hard when your friends are away from you. I know, I have friends from all over, from Hawaii to Ohio. I live in Las Vegas, dear. =/ If what you're going through is hard, image the difficulty I'm going through. If I wanted to see my friends, I have a 5 hours to drive to look forward to or I have to take a flight which will cost me more then $500. Now, you can imagine my disappointment. You, however, has an advantage to be a driving distance from your friends.
This is what you can do. 1) When you get the chance to hang out with your friends, don't turn it down! 2) You arrange your friends to see YOU, host a party, a BBQ, or a potluck, pool party or movie night at your place. 3) Meet them halfway, compromise on where you guys can hang out, a place where they will have to drive the same distance as you would. These are only a few things that you guys can do. You can't just let your friends do all the work into being your friend, you also need to be theirs, too. Your friends are as human as you are, hun, they also need to know that you still want them to be around.
If they don't want to do what you suggested to hang out, then you need new friends. Except, make friends that are closer to you. And again, make the effort of wanting to hang out.
I hope this helps :)
2013-04-05 12:25 am
Well try to meet some new friends if you can, like join a new club of creative writing or english literature. they talk great stories about different people so it is good :)
Talk to your parents and have a warm chat with them, it feels good :)
Talk to your friends or teachers on the phone while u're alone
Talk to them make you feel so much better :)
Or you can try write a journal of yourself and share it with your friends of your experience, I am sure someone will be willing to listen to you, you just need to find the right person :)
If your friends are busy you can go to the library and read some books if you like :)
Take care :)
2013-04-03 6:28 am
Don't worry about it, people grow apart/stop being friends with each other all the time. Try talking to them honestly about how you feel, but don't be angry or teary or paranoid, because that could drive them away. If they still feel distant after that, move on, it's their loss! In which case, try finding some new friends, it takes a little effort, but it's worth it. Also, try enjoying your own company more, you don't have to be out all the time with your friends. Spending the odd evening at home and having some time to yourself is perfectly normal. Many people prefer that rather than constantly doing something and seeing people and that's completely fine. It doesn't make you a loser. In fact, it shows a certain amount of strength and that you're not dependent on others to make you happy. If you find yourself doing the same thing, try something new - a new sport, musical instrument - through which you could also meet more people. I recommend this book to you: "Stop Thinking, Start Living", it really helped me get out of negative thought spirals and gain confidence.
2013-04-03 6:26 am
If they were your friends they would not do that. You can get out and take time for yourself go to a spa or something. Write down some things you would like to do and if you can do them check them off as you go. Volunteer someplace if you have time it will help you and the ones you are helping and you will meet new people and possibly new friends. May be you have something going on with you it sounds like you are isolating yourself. If you don't get out and use excuses you want get anywhere. If you want to have a life you need to do something instead of just saying negative things you need to think positive. And then an only then will you be happy. And do you really know that your friends don't care.
參考: women to women
2013-04-03 6:21 am
things are changing is hard to are not going to be able to live your life like you were living it 5 years ago..if people who you call them "friends" are not interested in to be your friends anymore,go and find other people to be friends open minded about it..about doing the same things everyday;life has its own you are doing the things that you have mentioned and you are doing it for a the future it is going to change and you are going to do that for another while
2013-04-03 6:18 am
Take a yoga class in addition to your exercise regimen. It could be a good way to meet some new people and the mental high from a yoga workout is quite gratifying. Here's a link that shares some more information about the benefits of yoga. Hope this helps.
2013-04-03 9:28 am
Smoke some medical marijuana.

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