Lonely at school~ Please help ><?

2013-04-02 4:14 pm
I feel so lonely at school sometimes, i have friends, but still feel lonely, yea! There's one i can talk to. But, she sits so far. And i don't talk to other people. Just they don't understand. Tell me some ways to deal with that feeling. What will you do when u feel alone at school??????? Plz, i need help!

回答 (5)

2013-04-02 4:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's okay in a few weeks everything will be fine!
Try and talk to people?I know it seems daunting but just try ;)
And I know some people just song understand you but just be yourself and they should grow used to how and who you are!If they can't they aren't the kind of person you should speak to!Talk about anything and if they start talking about hobbies why not just talk about it and ask questions even if they are really boring!
And to Philip below me who said listen in class-Have you never had a chat while the teachers talks rubbish?Have you not been distracted by something?Or even maybe daydreamed?
If the answers no -you have no life :/
I hope everything goes good!I really know what your going through ! :)
2013-04-03 9:27 am
Making friends can be very difficult. Society became so sick that it came to the point where you don't know who to call a friend anymore. If you feel lonely at times, you should have joined a club beforehand. Clubs group people with the same interests so there will be one thing you can talk to people about, and who knows, you guys can be friends. I'm not saying go up to a random person and start blabbering, but don't also stay behind the desk, sitting on your chair while everyone is making acquaintances. Open yourself and spread out your wings! Hope this helped.
參考: Life, I suppose.
2013-04-02 4:17 pm
Have you considered joining any extracurriculars? Not only will they keep your mind busy but it will also allow you to meet more people, you just have to approach them and start a conversation
參考: My self
2013-04-02 4:16 pm
Hmmm difficult, have you tried simply walking up to and talking to new people
2013-04-02 4:15 pm
Listen to the teacher don't talk during classes -.- talk during lunchbreak

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