
2013-04-03 2:16 am
最好charles dickens
唔要oilver twist同christmas carols

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2013-04-03 2:37 am
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Book: Skeleton Key

Author: Anthony Horowit

About this book:

Alex Rider is a reluctant teenage spy. He had found out his uncle was a spy before him, and now Alex is hired by MI6. This time, he was requested by CIA to work for them. He was to act like a child of two CIA agents, and enter an island called Skeleton Key with them. The agents had told him they knew a man called Sarov who bought uranium from a Salesman. They were wondering what he was doing with the uranium, so they were investigating this case. Later, Alex found out the CIA agents weren’t telling him the truth. Actually, they found out Sarov had a nuclear bomb and they wanted to find out what he was doing with it.


This book is absolutely fascinating, and almost every page contains exciting actions. It is a very interesting book which would at once absorb the reader into it.

My favourite character in this book is Alex. He is brave and courageous, daring to risk any chance for escape.

2013-04-07 12:05:03 補充:

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