ecosystem 既問題 十萬火急!

2013-04-02 8:46 am
1.咩係 energy ?
2.producer既energy係最多? 最高trophic level consumer既energy係最少?
3.咩係biomass ?
4.Pyramid of Biomass 可否倒轉


回答 (2)

2013-04-05 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 能量(Energy)是維持身體體內化學反應(即代謝)所需要的力量 , 動物一般靠攝食來獲得能量 , 植物則靠光能來獲得能量的。能量會以ATP的形式傳遞 , 並以ADP的形式被消耗。

2) 營養級(Trophic level)中所指的 , 是生產者需要生產大量的能量才足夠消費者(Consumer)的需求。在能量傳遞的過程中,有大部分的能量散失,因此需要很大數量的生產者才能供應足夠能量給很少量的初級消費者,從而再供應給更少量的次級消費者。因此營養級被形容為金字塔形,即金字塔底部為生產者,最頂部為次級消費者。



4)Pyramid of Biomass是不可能倒轉的 , 否則會變成"草吃人"的情況......
參考: Wikipedia
2013-04-06 12:10 am
The concept of biomass is important. It is a general principle that the further removed a trophic level is from its source (detritus or producer), the less biomass it will contain (biomass here would refer to the combined weight of all the organisms in the trophic level). This reduction in biomass occurs for several reasons:
not everything in the lower levels gets eaten,not everything that is eaten is digested,energy is always being lost as heat
It is important to remember that the decrease in number is best detected in terms or biomass. Numbers of organisms are unreliable in this case because of the great variation in the biomass of individual organisms. For instance, squirrels feed on acorns. The oak trees in a forest will always outnumber the squirrels in terms of combined weight, but there may actually be more squirrels than oak trees. Remember that an individual oak tree is huge, weighing thousands of kilograms, while an individual squirrel weighs perhaps 1 kilogram at best. There are few exceptions to the pyramid of biomass scheme. One occurs in aquatic systems where the algae may be both outnumbered and outweighed by the organisms that feed on the algae. The algae can support the greater biomass of the next trophic level only because they can reproduce as fast as they are eaten. In this way, they are never completely consumed. It is interesting to note that this exception to the rule of the pyramid of biomass also is a partial exception to at least 2 of the 3 reasons for the pyramid of biomass given above. While not all the algae are consumed, a greater proportion of them are, and while not completely digestible, algae are far more nutritious overall than the average woody plant is.
Energy flow in an ecosystem is the consumption of raw materials and their conversion into finished products and/or energy (power) to perform work. The final products and wastes are accounted for on the other end of the stream.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 01:29:48
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