
2013-04-02 8:55 am

1. Don't criticize your partner's parents or friends. You know how it is-your family can tick you off but no one else had dare speak ill of them. That's why you should tread carefully with your in-laws and your husband's dearest friends. "Even when he's venting to you, your contributions can put him on the defensive," explains LeslieBeth Wish, EdD, a Florida-based psychologist and licensed clinical social worker. "When you take position A, you prompt your partner to take position B." Instead, says Dr. Wish, put yourself in his position so that you can empathize with him.

2. Tell your spouse about any ex encounters. Whether you get a Facebook friend request or run into an old flame at your kid's soccer game, keeping the news to yourself could backfire, despite having zero feelings for the ex. "If there's nothing to hide, why hide it?" says Deb Castaldo, PhD, a couples and family therapist and professor at Rutgers University School of Social Work in New Brunswick, NJ. "That leads to an air of secrecy and dishonesty," she says. Just clue in your hubby matter-of-factly: Try, "I knew it was only a matter of time before old boyfriends came out of the woodwork on Facebook. I got a friend request from one and ignored it." Or, "I saw my ex in the mall today. His kids are cute. Glad to see his life turned out nicely."

回答 (1)

2013-04-02 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.不要批評你的伴侶的父母或朋友。你知道這是怎樣的-你的家人可以責備你,但是沒有其他人可以批評他們。這就是為什麼你應該和你的親人、丈夫及最親密的朋友一起的時候要謹慎行事。"甚至當他對著你發洩,你的貢獻可以欺騙他的防禦"一個佛羅里達州的心理學家和持牌臨床社會工作者、教育博士-LeslieBeth這麼解釋。"當你採取態度A的時候,你激起你的伴侶採取態度B",取而代之的,Dr. Wish則說把你自己放在他的位置那麼你就可以與他產生共鳴。

2.告訴你的配偶任何你以前的遭遇。不管是你收到一個Facebook的好友請求或是遇見一個舊情人在你的孩子的足球比賽中,保留你自己的消息可能會適得其反,儘管對於前面的感情已經是零了。"如果有沒有甚麼可以隱藏的,那為何要隱藏呢?"一位夫婦和家庭治療師和在新澤西州新不倫瑞克省社會工作的羅格斯大學教授-Deb Castaldo這麼說。"這會導致空氣是祕密的、不誠實的,"他說。只要將那些事情實際地跟你的丈夫說:試著,"我知道他是關於時間的問題在舊男友在Facebook出來之前。我收到一個朋友的請求和忽略他"或者,"我今天在購物中心看見我的前男友。他的小孩很可愛。很高興看到他的生活變得很好。"

有些地方可能翻得不太好= ="",不過前面一則的意思是設身處地為對方想,後面一則的意思是要我們對自己的伴侶開誠布公,不要因為是關於前男女朋友這種敏感話題就瞞著,甚麼也不說,這樣只會導致對方將來知道的時候會猜疑你,所以對於伴侶我們必須誠實以對。
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