
2013-04-02 8:55 am
3. Keep unsolicited advice to yourself. Offer your support, lend your ear, but avoid speaking in an "I know what's best" tone. "We give advice because we're trying to be helpful, but it's seen as criticism when we offer too many corrections," says Harriet Lerner, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up. This goes for everything from your husband's outfit choices to how he deals with a work issue. Give your spouse space to make decisions and gain confidence through trial and error-and ask that he do the same for you, says Dr. Lerner. "What matters in a relationship is not that things get done 'right,' but that two people are dedicated to contributing to each other's happiness."

Related: Discover the 10 things men wish women knew about sex.

4. Don't take charge all the time. Whether you fold all the laundry because you don't like how your husband does it or you manage the finances because you don't think he's as careful, you may feel more at ease doing all the work. But stop! "The spouse who does the rescuing can become tired of that role," says Dr. Wish--and resentful that everything is on her shoulders, even if she volunteered for that burden. Get in the habit of asking your partner, "What do you think works best here?" or telling him, "I could use a hand cleaning out the pantry." These requests will foster the idea that you're teammates.


回答 (1)

2013-04-03 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.請繼續別人沒有請求你就建議。提供你的支持,借你的耳朵,但要避免“我知道什麼是最好的”那種調調。"我們給建議是因為嘗試幫助,但是當我們給太多的修正好像又變成批評。"臨床心理學家及作家的哈麗雅特·勒納博士之婚姻規則說:A手冊是已經結婚和在一起。這一切要從你的丈夫的配備選擇來了解他是如何處理工作問題。給你的配偶空間去決策和信任,以及反覆試驗、從失敗中找到解決辦法,然後詢問他為了你做了相同的事情。Dr. Lerner.這麼說。"重要的關係不是事情做'對',而是兩個人都致力於以對方的幸福作出貢獻。"


2.不要一直改變。無論是因為你不喜歡你的丈夫摺疊洗衣或是因為你不認為他會小心的管理財務而接管財務狀況,你可能會覺得更安心做所有的工作。但是,停下來!"哪個配偶在做搶救可能會變得對於這個角色感到疲憊。"Dr. Wish這麼說--然後會開始怨恨每樣事情都在他的肩膀上,即使這是他主動負擔的。養成習慣問你的伴侶,"你覺得最適合在這邊嗎?"或是告訴他,"我可以用一隻手清理儲藏室。"這些將促進你和他是同隊隊員的想法。


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