Can someone help me with google nose?

2013-04-01 9:14 pm
It won't work on my iphone5 so what will it work on? Has it worked for you? Thanks

回答 (5)

2013-04-01 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
type in cocaine then smell it
you'll be glad u did :)
2013-04-02 9:26 am
It works if you believe it does. I really like it. Things you've never smelled before or imagined with a scent don't work, but for the majority. Just think of it to be real, and even watch the trailer. It works for me, and my brain can't help but make me smell all this stuff.
參考: Me
2013-04-02 7:54 am
Don't feel silly. I literally tried it like 20 times and I couldn't smell it. I did some research and they haven't exactly said if it was fake, but the idea is that they use some sort of emitted wave (it's possible from any smart phone). Somehow that triggers a scent recognition in our brain? DOUBT IT lol but I know that they are definitely aiming to integrate this into the newest phones and change it from a beta software into something like the real thing.
2013-04-02 4:29 am
You have to wait for the iPhone6 to come out. But it worked with my Windows 8 laptop!
2013-04-02 4:22 am
You've been fooled.

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