Why do teenage girls want to date hot guys instead of nice guys?

2013-04-01 8:03 am
I am nice ebut not the most attractive. All the girls at my school, or most of them, are obsessed with one direction. I feel like i would make a great boyfriend and hell i have friends who are girls but they are either in a relationship or they are too "busy" to hang out. All i want to know is when will the right girl come along and see the kinda person i am, a person who wants to love and be loved, make the other person feel like there one of kind and beautiful. I want somebody to love, is this too much to ask? I am 17 BTW, male. :(

回答 (6)

2013-04-01 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's an evolution thing. Girls subconsciously go for the favorable looking male, he looks healthy and strong, definitely mateable (this is when hormones are raging). This also goes for the "jerk" type, simply because he's very strong (or gives off that vibe).

Wait till you're in college, you'll meet a smarter girl who will want you for you.
參考: didn't start dating till college, met one guy, dated one guy, marrying that one guy
2013-04-01 8:10 am
Well I'm 16 turning 17 in two weeks but age is irrelevant first off you said the magic word "girls" love is not really what's on a teen mind we dont know what love is now I'm not the most attractive either to give an idea I look like a shorter lighter version of Tyler the Creator but I am funny and pretty popular and fun to hang around but I'm somewhat arrogant if your not the most attractive provide something else that will replace it my girl loves the fact that I'm hilarious
2013-04-01 8:09 am
ur lady will come some day i mean you are only 17 you have a full life ahead of you don't worry someone will love u and we choose better looking guys because we are stupid and don realize what they are missing out on meanwhile i get al the nice guys.................. muwahhahah muwahaha
參考: my devious sexy lil mind
2013-04-01 8:07 am
Everyone wants to feel loved, I'm pretty sure that's normal. And don't worry, not all girls are obsessed with One Direction (I cannot stand most of them). Those girls probably just aren't the one for you. Anyways to directly answer your main question, because some girls are just superficial and want bragging rights about dating a "hot guy". Plus, they're nice to look at. Just human nature, I mean, don't teenage guys want to date hot girls instead of nice girls? And if you find someone who's both then that's just even better! Nothings wrong with you.
2013-04-01 8:06 am
get that nice guy stuff out of your head, being nice has nothing to do with it. Girls and guys always go for what attracts them some people like people with muscles, money or some people go for skinny people.
2013-04-01 8:06 am
What is your star sun?
2013-04-01 8:05 am
Cuz they wanna keep us nice guys as friends :( i lucked out with ny girl

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