
2013-04-02 2:43 am
我岩岩download緊個program叫freecorder,然後係down到一半嘅時候,佢開左個webpage,係底底問我想唔想啟用E個program(姐係有時會彈D黃色bar出尼問你問題個D呢),我一開始以為係D唔知咩所以咁左不啟用-0-", 後來先知原來自己傻左. 但係依家我想啟用反佢,重新down過佢都冇彈過條問題出尼問我啟唔啟用,我又唔知去邊先可以啟用佢- -"


回答 (1)

2013-04-02 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think you can try going to control panel, find the program, and there should be a choice of installing the program. i am not 100% sure if installing program is the same as 啟用 program. i once had a program that didn't work, but after i install it again, it work totally fine like nth's wrong with it before. i guess the reason why the question doesn't pop out again is because you have download it once already and you choose not to 啟用 it. i believe this method would work!
參考: myself~

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