Loving a Korean guy...

2013-04-01 10:29 pm
Ok... so the thing is like this. I have known this Korean guy since summer. That actually wasn't when i first know about him though; my aunt was his clarinet pianist and she has told me about him for a year before i actually know him. I have wanted to know him a lot ever since then. My best friend has known him since they were kids, and she told me a lot about him.
after school started for around a month, i found that i like him very much, to the point that i can totally see myself marrying him. i have made him a present for his birthday and he likes it very much. he gave me a present for my birthday too (just to be polite i think) and our birthdays are just 4 days apart (he's 4 days older than me). besides this, there's no other sign of his feelings towards me. Many of my friends know that i like him, but he obviously didn't notice anything. as time passes, i have only love him more and more. However, now that more i thought about it, it could be difficult for Chinese and Korean to be together. i know that his mum is a traditional Korean. his dad is more chilled, but still he's a traditional Korean too. Even though i haven't tell this guy anything about my feelings towards him, this cultural difference made me think if his parents would accept me.
his family has lived in Canada for a very long time and they are already citizens of Canada. I, on the other hand, have only been in canada for 2 years. to me, and i believe to him too, having the parents accept our other half is very important. another thing is, both of us are graduating from secondary school this year. although we are still studying in the same city, i am pretty convinced that we won't see each other very often. I really love him and i have already started to learn Korean so that i can communicate with his parents in the future. should i tell him my feelings? do you think a Chinese-Korean relationship/marriage would be accepted by his parents? please answer as soon as possible>< thanks!!!

回答 (2)

2013-04-02 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your situation is really like a Korean dramaO0O~(joke)
I personally think that Chinese-Korean relationship or marriage is definitely not a problem and I really support this idea actually:>~ Only if his parents are like extremely strict and very not open-minded to Chinese, then it will be very difficult for you to be with him. But~!! I don't think thats the case. I am not trying to be obsolete but you know, as long as you really really really love him, nothing should stop you from confessing your love to him .v.+ !!~ I mean his parents must see your true worth and your love to their son:) I think your biggest problem now is the language barrier~ You should really work hard on learning korean cauz his parents must be inspired and amazed if you can speak fluent Korean when you are a Chinese speaker O0O+~~~

Btw I am a big fan of Kpop and when I saw your question, at once I was like WOW I am so gonna answer this question cauz its something about Korea... -..-"... No I mean of course I really want to help you- -++ hahaha

I think thats all I can say and can help you with:) I will always support you and I wish you good luck!!!

2013-04-04 8:11 am
Hello ~
After reading your article, in fact, you could get used to the habit of Korea, they might slowly come to accept the Chinese people, but you like Korea it? If you like, it should not matter what but also together, which is love's performance to
I hope to help you ~ ~

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